
Russian Come Back

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  • Marxists Revelution split

    Marxists Revelution split
    Marxists revelutionaries disagree over revelutionary tactics . the more radical Bolsheviks are ready to risk everything. The charismatic Vladimir Lenin becomes the leader.
  • Russia Faces Crises

    Russia Faces Crises
    These events showed Czar's weakness and paved the way for revelution. Russia and Jopan also competed for control over Korea and Manchuri.
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    The Russiqn comeback

  • Nicholas's Rampage

    Nicholas's  Rampage
    Workers and their families carried a petittion askinf for better working enviroments, more personal freedom, and an elected national legislature. Nicholas II's generals said to fire in the crowd and killed several hundred and injured a thousand.
  • The Duma

    The Duma
    The duma is Russia's first parliament. They wanted russia to become a constitutional monarchy similar to Britain. Because Czar was hesitent to share power, he desolved the duma after ten days.
  • Russia's Downfall in WW I

    Russia's Downfall in WW I
    Nicholas dragged Russia into WW I and russia wasn't prepared for all the economic costs. More than four million Russian soldiers were killed, wounded, or taken prisoners.
  • Worker Riots

    Worker  Riots
    Women textile workers in Petrograd led to a citywide strike. The next five days riots started to form because of shortage in bread and fuel. They also shouted "Down with the autocracy" and "Down with the war".
  • Storming The Palace

    Storming The Palace
    Without warning armed factory workers stormed the winter palace, Calling themselves the 'Bolshevick Red Quarde' took over government offices and aressted the leaders.
  • Russia Gets Worse

    Russia Gets Worse
    Russia and Germany signed the Treaty of Brest- Litousk. Russia surredered a large part of territory to Germany.It triggered many Russians which led to a civil war in Russia.
  • Russia's New Challenge

    Civil war rages in Russia (red vs. whites) and the Bolshevick faced a new challenge- stomping out their enemies at home. The white support the return of Czar as the demacratic government.
  • New Policy

    New Policy
    Lenin temperarely put aside his plan for a state controled economy. Instead he resolved to a smallscaled version of capitalism called the New Economic Policy.Lenin let peasdants sell crops too.
  • Lenins stroke

    Lenins stroke
    Lenin suffered a stroke but he lived through it. A general security of the communist party moved his supporterd into position of power.