Apr 5, 1462
Ivan the III
Ivan the 3rd was born on January 22, 1440. He ruled from April 5, 1462 – October 27, 1505. He conquered most of the territory around Moscow. He liberated Russia from the Mongols. He was succeeded by his son Vasily III. -
Nov 6, 1505
Vasily III
Vasily succeeded his father Ivan III. Vasily ruled for 28 years (November 6, 1505 - December 13, 1533). -
Aug 25, 1530
Ivan the Terrible is born
Ivan the III was born on August 25, 1530. Ivan was the son of Vasily III Ivanovich and Helena Glinska. -
Nov 9, 1533
Reign of Ivan the Terrible
Ivan became czar in 1546 when he was 16 years old he crowned himself czar. He married Anastasia who was related to an old boyar family, the Romanovs. His bad period began in 1560 when his wife Anastasia died, this is when he began ruling through fear. -
Ivan the Terrible died
Ivan the Terrible died on March 18, 1584 while playing chest with Bogdan Belsky -
The Romanov Dynasty
This dynasty began with Michael Romanov.This dynasty ruled Russia for 300 years (1613 - 1917). -
Peter the Great
Peter ruled Russia as it's Czar from May 7th, 1662 until he died on February 8th 1725. He gave himself the name Peter the Great. He stood nearly 7 feet tall. He was born in 1672 and he died in 1725. -
Russia during Peter the Great's rule
During his reign Peter did many things to westernize Russia, He raised an army of 200,000 men. He introduced potatoes, he introduced newspapers, and by opening a school of navigation and schools for the arts and sciences he advanced the country's education -
St. Petersburg
Peter the Great founded the city on the 27 May 1703 after reconquering the land from Sweden in the Great Northern War. St. Petersburg was known as the "window to the west". -
Peter the Great dies
Peter had an infection in his bladder and urine infection. One day he saw a group of his soldiers drowning off the shore of the Finnish Gulf and he went into the water to save them. The cold water made the infection worse which ended up killing him. Peter was 52 years old when he died.