Russia to the Soviet union

  • Period: to


  • Czar Alexander

    Czar Alexander
    cxar alexander II finally frees the serfs and over the next 20 years he introduced a series of liberal reforms.
  • alexander czar II death

    alexander czar II death
    assasination of czar by a radical russian socialist group.
  • first russian revolution

    first russian revolution
    in january workers march to royal winter palace to deliver a petition calling for improved working conditions. soldiers opened fire on the crowd leaving over 90 people dead in what became known as bloody sunday.
  • russian enters first world war

    russian enters first world war
    the ruddian army is large but unprepared for war and suffers devastating losses against the german forces.
  • second russian revolution

    second russian revolution
    the russian people take to the streets desperate for food and demoralized by war. even the sildiers join the revolution.
  • russian civil war

    russian civil war
    between the bolshevik red army and the anti-bolshevik white army. approximately 15000000 soldiers and civilians die during the war.the red army defeats the white.
  • creation of the soviet union

    creation of the soviet union
    bolshevik govenments in several republics including the russian soviet socialist republic, the largest of them all, join to form the union of the soviet socialist republics (ussr) which is lead by Lenin
  • death of lenin

    death of lenin
    his death and the struggle for power between leon trosky and joseph stakin results in stalins victory and trosky's exile and assasination.
  • stalin becomes leader of soviet government

    stalin becomes leader of soviet government
    between 1928 and 1940, stalin uses violence and fear to force the rapid industrialization of the country and the consolidation of private land into collective farms.
  • ukraine holodomor

    ukraine holodomor
    in 1932 and 33 ukraine experienced both severe droughts as well as the effects of what some now refer to as a planned famine by stalin and his plans for industrialization, higher agricultural output, and government ownership of land.the holodomor was designed in part to suppress ukrainian nationalism.
  • purges of opponents

    purges of opponents
    the purges of 1936 and 1939 during which joseph stalin eliminated his opponents within the communist party and the soviet armend forces.