Russia to Soviet Union

  • Alexander II freed serfs

    Alexander II freed serfs
    Czar Alexander II finally freed the serfs, and introduced a series of liberal reforms over the next twenty years. For example: he abolished capital punishment and created local governments that included representatives from all classes.
  • Assassinating of Czar Alexander II

    Assassinating of Czar Alexander II
    After many attempts, members of radical group the People’s Will, succeeded in assassinating Czar Alexander II
  • Formation of SDLP

    Formation of SDLP
    a group of Marxist decided to form the Socialist Democratic Labour Party (SDLP) but the Russian czar banned the political group. The members of the SDLP were forced to exile in other European countries but kept up their revolutionary spirit by working on an illegal newspaper called Iskra.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    the people of Saint Petersburg marched to Czar Nicholas’s Winter Palace to demand food and better working conditions. As they arrived at the palace gates, they were met by Czar’s soldiers, who opened fire causing hundreds of people to die. This day became known as Bloody Sunday
  • First World War

    First World War
    Russia enters the First World War with a large but unprepared army, and suffers a devastating loss against the Germans.
  • Russian people take to the streets

    Russian people take to the streets
    Russian people take to the streets, desperate for food and demoralized by war. Even soldiers join the revolution. Czar Nicholas II is forced to abdicate. Temporary liberal government is established but is overthrown by the communist Bolsheviks led by revolutionary Vladimir Lenin.
  • Russian Civil War

    Russian Civil War
    Russian civil war between the Bolshevik Red Army and the Anti-Bolshevik White Army, approximately 15 000 000 soldiers and civilians die. The Red Army Defeats the White Army
  • Russian Civil War ends.

    Russian Civil War ends.
    Russian Civil War ends, the Red Army defeats the White Army
  • USSR formation

    USSR formation
    Bolshevik governments in several republic including the Russian Soviet Socialist Republic, join to form the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics which was led by Lenin
  • Lenin dies of stoke

    Lenin dies of stoke
    Lenin dies, and the struggle of power between Trotsky and Stalin results in Stalin’s victory and Trotsky’s exile and assassination.
  • Stalin becomes leader

    Stalin becomes leader
    Stalin becomes the leader of the Soviet government, and uses violence and fear to force the rapid industrialization of the country and the consolidation of private land into collective farms.
  • Stalin eliminated his opponents within the Communist Party

    Stalin eliminated his opponents within the Communist Party
    Stalin eliminated his opponents within the Communist Party and the Soviet armed forces, during the purges of 1936 and 1939.