Russia Timeline

  • Period: to

    Russia Timeline

  • Decmbrist Revolt

    Decmbrist Revolt
    The Decembrist Revolt was on December 26th, 1825. Russian army protested against Nicholas l’s assumption of the throne after his elder brother, Constantine removed himself with about 3,000 soldiers. This was important because Russian Soldiers staged a revolt which made liberalism was a major threat.
  • Nicholas ll becomes czar

    Nicholas ll becomes czar
    Nicholas ll became czar on May 26th of 1896. Nicholas was neither trained nor inclined to rule, which did not help the autocracy he sought to preserve in an era desperate for change. It was important because they got someone new so they can change things up.
  • The Russo-Japanese War

    The Russo-Japanese War
    The Russo-Japanese War lasted from February 8th 1904 to September 5th, 1905. It was fought by the Russian Empire and the Empire of Japan over imperial ambitions in Korea and Manchuria. It was important because of they gained more land.
  • The March Revolution

    The March Revolution
    Workers wanted 50 percent wage increase to buy goods and they were refused. They rioted and were not in a job. More and more people joined them as they raided prisons and freed those people. That is how it led to the revolution.
  • Czar abdicated the throne

    Czar abdicated the throne
    Czar abdicated the throne on March 15th, 1917. The army garrison at Petrograd joined striking workers in demanding socialist reforms, and Czar Nicholas II was forced to abdicate. It was important because of people would go back to work.
  • The Russian Civil War Begins

    The Russian Civil War Begins
    In this was the Bolsheviks are fighting the Mensheviks. These people are supporting two different types of governments. This leads to the revolution because it is now fighting over what type of government to put in to power.
  • World War 1 (Russia Involvement)

    World War 1 (Russia Involvement)
    On March 3, 1918, in the city of Brest-Litovsk, located in modern-day Belarus near the Polish border, Russia signed a treaty with the Central Powers ending its participation in World War I. It was important because of it ends their part of the war so they can get their men back.
  • The creation of the USSR

    The creation of the USSR
    The USSR was created on December 30th, 1922. They created the USSR including of confederation of Russia, Belorussia, Ukraine, and the Transcaucasian Federation. The new communist state was the successor to the Russian Empire and the first country in the world to be based on Marxist socialism. This was important because of they had a superpower to fight against other superpowers.
  • Vladmir Lenin

    Vladmir Lenin
    Vladimir Lenin died at the age of 54 because of brain hemorrhage on January 21st, 1924. He was the architect of the Bolshevik Revolution and was the first leader of the Soviet Union. It was important because of they lost someone who was important so they had to find someone else who can be an important symbol.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    The Bloody Sunday was on January 30th, 1972. This is where British soldiers shot unarmed civilians when they were protesting against internment. This event left 14 dead and many others were injured. It was important because of it showed that the government has power.