Russia Timeline

  • The rise of the Soviet Union

    The rise of the Soviet Union
    After the Bolshevik Revolution the Soviets gained control of Russia, and Transcaucasian Soviet Federated Socialist Republics, the Ukrainian and Belorussian Soviet Socialist Republics joined the USSR
  • Bolshevik Revolution

    Bolshevik Revolution
    The russian revolution, the soviets seized control of the government, the Bolsheviks effectively defeated all opposition and established themselves as the only governing power in Russia
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    The Arms Race

    The US and Russia were competing on which country could get the most powerful atomic weapons.
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    The Cold War

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    Space Race

    The US and Russia were competing with each other on who could be the first for things in space such as a person, on the moon, and satalites
  • The Fall of the Soviet Union

    The Fall of the Soviet Union
    The Soviet Unions fall started in 1989 to 1992, 15 states gained independence as the Soviet Union and its government dissolved.
  • Ukraine Gains Indepence

    Ukraine Gains Indepence
    When the USSR disolved Ukraine gained independce from Russia and became its own country.
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    Vladimir Putin in power

    Putin started out as prime minister in Russia in 1999, he then became President in 2000 and served till 2008, he was then re elected in 2012 and is still the president today,
  • Annex Of Crimea

    Annex Of Crimea
    Russia invaded Crimea and annexed them.
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    Russia and Ukraine Conflict

    Russia invaded Crimea in 2014 which sparked the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. In 2022 tensions rised when Russia started attacking Ukraine, troops entered Ukraine and are still there now.