Russia Revolution

  • The October Manifesto

    The October Manifesto
    Tsar Nicholas II issued the document to the Russian government and it marked the end of authoritarian government and introduced constitutional government. Was a response to the Russian revolution of 1905. Would be the precursor for their constitution.
  • Stolypin Reforms

    Stolypin Reforms
    one of the largest property rights reforms in Russian history, instituted a legal vehicle of dramatic change to peasants' land tenure. Before the reform, commune land tenure governed the majority of peasant land and placed various restrictions on property rights. A large property rights reform, a change to peasants’ land tenure. Before the reform commune land was the majority of peasants land and there were many
  • Women’s March & General Strike

    Women’s March & General Strike
    Tens of thousands of women took to the streets demanding more food rations for soldiers' families at the Russian capital. This led to women workers starting a strike on the general price of bread, men would also join.
  • The Provisional Government is installed

    The Provisional Government is installed
    A government that the Duma had established in Russia to take away control from the Tzar.
    They wanted to establish more liberal policies in Russia and promoted Democracy. They wanted universal suffrage, civil equality, and an eight-hour work day, all of which were very liberal and new when compared to Tsarist Russia. While the government was ultimately very weak and unsuccessful it did succeed in removing the Tzar from power.
  • Lenin sent back to Russia by Germany

    Lenin sent back to Russia by Germany
    Lenin had been living in exile in Switzerland for awhile, but When the Provisional Government was installed he saw an opportunity to take control of the Bolshevik party. Back in Russia Lenin spread his beliefs that Workers controlled what was made, the people deserve food and land, and also that the soviets were the true power. He wanted rapid and violent change at whatever cost. His opportunity spirit would lead him to take control of the government and enter Russia into a new world.
  • The Russian Civil War Starts

    The Russian Civil War Starts
    Russians were angry with the new regime, the Bolsheviks, that brought about quick and swift changes. They had monarchists, militarists, and foreign nations supporting their revolution. This revolution had many fronts and forced the Bolsheviks to take forceful control. The White force was found in Serbia, Ukraine, and many baltic regions, ultimately they would be beaten down by the Bolsheviks. The Russian royal family was murdered during this time, so there could be no return to the olden way.
  • The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
    A treaty the communist government made with Germany that would give Germany Ukraine, part of Poland, Finland and part of the Baltics. The main point of the treaty was to stop Russia's involvement in WW1
  • Lenin Seizes Power

    Lenin Seizes Power
    The Bolsheviks were the leftist party and led by Lenin, they seized power and destroyed czarist rule in Russia. They then became the communist party. Overthrew the provisional government and established their own administration with a first council of people's commissars, Lenin appointed himself the governing chairman.
  • Russian Civil War End

    Russian Civil War End
    The Red Army, Bolsheviks, advanced as the official and accepted government in Russia. The Red Army was now a well-oiled machine largely thanks to their general Trotsky. In the end, the communist succeeded in maintaining control of Russia, they now had one party and were hostile toward foreign states.