
  • 988

    Russia’s conversion to Christianity.

    In 988, Vladimir wanted Russia to be of one faith so he sent envoys to examine the major religions . Islam, Judaism, the Catholic Christianity of Western Europe and the Orthodox Christianity of Eastern Europe . Apparently,  Vladimir didn’t like the restrictions of Islam and Judaism so he picked Christianity.
  • 1480

    Ivan III

    Ivan III freed Russia from the Mongols in 1480
  • 1533

    Ivan the Terrible

    Ivan was the 1st tsar of Russia. HE conquered large amounts of land through ruthless means.
  • Russian-American Commercial Treaty

    The treaty provided general trading rights and most-favoured-nation treatment.
  • WW1

    On the first of August 1914, Germany declared war on Russia. Russia accepted this and fought on the side of the alliances.
  • Nikolai II Aleksandrovich

    Nicholas ii was the last ever emperor of Russia because he joined the war and surrendered. This had a major impact on Russia
  • Russia Surrendering.

    Russia surrendered the war and had to give foo/fuel to the Germans. However, one year later, a peace treaty was signed and Russia was free from them.
  • WW2

    On the 1st Sep 1939, a second world war had started. Russia was also involved in this. Fortunately, this war ended on the 2nd Sep 1945
  • Atomic bomb

    On September 22 1949, President Truman announced that the Soviet Union had blown up it's first atomic bomb.
  • Nuclear weapons.

    In 1949, the Soviet Union developed nuclear weapons.
  • Sputnik 1

    In 1957, Sputnik 1 was the first man made satellite that ever orbited the Earth.
  • Antarctic Treaty

    In December 1959, the United States, the Soviet Union, and ten other countries signed a treaty to and demilitarise Antarctica.
  • Vostok 1

    Russia sent the first man into space in 1961 in the Vostok 1 (a spacecraft). His name was Gagarin and he was also the first to orbit Earth.
  • East Russia joined Europe.

    Russia was the first EU foreign policy agreed. The latest EU-Russia partnership was signed in 2011.
  • The dissolution of the Soviet Union

    This occurred on the 26th December 1991. This gave independence to other countries which were in the soviet union before.
  • States.

    In 1991, the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union met up and split up the soviet union ending the cold war.
  • The soviet union.

    Creation of the Soviet Union.
  • Currency

    The old Russian currency (RUR) was replaced by (RUB) on January the 1st 1998
  • Allies.

    Russia becomes an ally of NATO.
  • World cup 2018.

    Russia hosted the 2018 world cup where France won.