Period: Jan 1, 1400 to
Russia Brandon and Billy
Period: Jan 22, 1440 to Oct 27, 1505
Ivan III (Ivan the Great)
Period: Aug 25, 1530 to Mar 18, 1554
Ivan the Terrible
Nov 11, 1552
Ivan the Terrible concurs the Tartar
Nov 11, 1581
Cossacks begin conquering Siberia for Russia
National Council elects Michael Romanov as tsar
Russia acquires territory of modern Estonia and Latvia
Period: to
Russia conquers Crimea, Ukraine, Georgia, and what later became Belarus, Moldova, as well as parts of Poland
Period: to
Russia takes part in the European coalitions against Revolutionary and Napoleonic France, defeating Napoleon's invasion in 1812
Librel ideas to establish Constituon shot down Decembrist Revolt
Period: to
Alexander III (The Peace maker)
Period: to
Russia unable to win Crimean War
Pesants began thinking of revoultionary ideas
Central Asian Republics annexed
Period: to
Grigori Rasputin
Period: to
Vladamir Lennin
Russia siezes land in Turkey
Period: to
Joseph Stalin
Period: to
Olga Nikolaevna
Social Democratic Party Formed
Period: to
Anastasia Nikolaevna
Period: to
Alexei Nikolaevich
Tsar Nicholas II graants a Constituion
Russia Joins World War 1
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk ends war with Germany
Period: to
Civil war between Red Army and anti-communist White Russians
USSR formed
Period: to
Boris Yeltsin
Stalin signs agreement with Germany not ot fight
USSR suprised by German attacks
Batttle of Stalingrad
Allies Win World War II
Cold War Begins
Russia detonates first nuclear bomb Arms race begin
Period: to
Vladamir Putin
Russians send sputnik into orbit causing space race
Yuri Gagarin becomes first person to orbit Earth in Vostok spacecraft
Cuban Missle Crisis
The Soviet union collapses
Russia joins NATOs partnership for peace
Vladimir Putin takes control
Russia joins the World Trade Orginization
Russia carries out airstrikes in Syria