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  • Russia

    Russia is the largest country in the world and with that name comes the problems. Russia is currently ran by a man named Vladimir Putin. Russia has had many rulers and many forms of government
  • WW2

    Russia had its role in ww2 and it was to fight. Russia had to fight against the powerful Nazis at the time. They invaded Russia with ideas to completely take over
  • Russias Economy

    Russias Economy
    Russia was always a country that thrived in the economic category but over the years there was plenty of ups and downs. JOspeh stalin who was ruler of Russia in the 1930s and up,made the country strong in many ways sure he was rough but he improved their economic levels by increasing trade and by adding strength to its army. there was several deals with Germanys hitler and many other European leaders.
  • The Cold War

    The Cold War
    Problems between the us and the Russian empire led to the cold war. This war lasted almost 50 years. It had many turning points and many major events related with the Cuban missile crisis
  • Current Status

    Current Status
    Russia continues to thrive as a country in every aspect. They have a stable army and a good economy and social life. After everything Russia has gone through, they have kept their country In a pretty good condition. They were the country t=with the most deaths in ww2 and they recouperated from that and all the Nazi attacks they went through. all the social and sconomical collapses they also went through