
  • Karl Marx

    Karl Marx
    Karl Marx was born in 1818 and died in 1883. He was a well known philosopher, social theorist, economist and author who was famous for his theories about capitalism, socialism, and communism.
  • Freidrick Engels

    Freidrick Engels
    He was known for working with Karl Marx, and he helped define modern communism. He's the co-author of The Communist Manifesto, which is an 1848 pamphlet regarding as one of the world's most influential political documents
  • Tsar Nicholas II

    Tsar Nicholas II
    Ruling between 1894 and 1917, he was the last Tsar of the Russian Empire, which he was under the official title of 'Emperor and Autocrat of All the Russians'. In 1905 he helped provoke the Russian Revolution.
  • 1905 Russia

    1905 Russia
    Tsar Nicholas II was convinced to make the change in the Russian government from an autocracy to a constitutional monarchy. In this year, the czar's troops killed or badly injured hundreds of unarmed protesters. Also, what was called "The Bloody Sunday massacre" ignited the Russian Revolution in 1905.
  • Vladimir Lenin

    Vladimir Lenin
    He served as the first and head of government of Soviet Russia from 1917 to 1924.
  • Cheka

    It was a secret police that had nearly unrestrained power over an individuals life and death.
  • Joseph Stalin

    Joseph Stalin
    He was a Soviet political leader who led the Soviet Union.
  • Red Guards

    Red Guards
    They were warlike volunteers containing mainly factory workers, cossacks, peasants and some soldiers and sailors for "protection of the soviet power".