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The time of troubles
Mikahail Romanov elected tsar by the National Council, beginning the Romanov dynasty
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Rule of Peter I, first tsar to use the title 'Emperor'
St Petersburg established as the new capital
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Romanov empire expanded to include Crimea, Ukraine, Georgia and Poland
Napoleon Invades Russia, Russians burn all crops
Political reform introduced political reform in Decembrist Uprising
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Crimean war, Russian loses
Emancipation edict abolished serfdom in Russia
Alexander II killed by the Peoples Will
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Rule of Nicholas
Strikes in St Petersburg
Bloody Sunday creates unrest across Russian Empire
Grand duke Sergei Alexandrovich assassinated
Russian Soviet was established
Unrest reached Russian military
Some peasant groups made more public demands for autonomy
@ million strikers across the empire and increasing terrorist activity, Nicholas released the October Manifesto.