
  • Dec 11, 1215

    English Kings

    magnacarta. dragged king into field and made him sign the petition of right.
  • Dec 11, 1215

    The Petition of Right

    Limits King Charles 1's power. So he can't have absolute power.
  • Dec 11, 1215

    Oliver Cromwell

    Oliver Cromwell
    parliments general. lord protector.
  • Dec 3, 1533

    Ivan The Terrible

    Ivan The Terrible
    His wife died so he went crazy.
  • Dec 3, 1533

    Ivan The Terrible

    Ivan The Terrible
    Out of rage, beat his oldest son and pregnant daughter-in-law causing a misscarrage.
  • Dec 11, 1534

    Constitutional Monarchy

    Lots of conflict between the king and parliment. Rulers power was limited.
  • Peter The Great

    Peter The Great
    Romonv Dynasty. Desendant of ivan. Everyone loved him, had warm weather ports.
  • Restoration

    Over throws James 2.
  • Reforming Russia

    Reforming Russia
    Brought back potatos.
  • Reforming Russia

    Reforming Russia
    Brought back education and opened up schools.
  • Reforming Russia

    Reforming Russia
    Changed russian nobility, made nobles change look (shave crazy beards and wear modern clothes).