Serf Emancipation
The serfs were no longer in the position they were in the serfdom was abolished. -
Not exact month but was made for those who wanted to reform Russia. It basically meant that all no matter what ethnicity had to follow everything and be everything that had to do with the Russian culture. -
Nicholas II
On this day Nicholas II starts to reign as Czar over Russia. -
Russo-Japanese War
A surpirise attack was made on the Russian fleet by the Japanese. First action of the war. -
Revolution of 1905
Began on this date when the fleet fired on people who were going to petition to Czar Nicholas II. -
They were council assemblies that were created by Nicholas II. -
Not exact month but for the World War I the Russians were backed by the Serbians. -
World War I
War is declared on Russia by Germany. -
Bolshevik Revolution
Loss if life when Czar Nicholas II dragged many into war caused an uproar. -
March Revolution
Caused by food shortages. -
Exact month not known but was a secret police force set by bolshevik government. -
Peace! Land! Bread!
Battle outcry of the October Revolution that was against the serfdom. -
Russian Othodox Church
All church owned buildings were nationalized. -
Brest-Litovsk Treaty
Ended war between Russia and Germany -
Nicholas II and his family were brutally murdered.