Aug 25, 1530
When Ivan Was Born
Ivan IV was born on August 25, 1530 -
Nov 12, 1533
Ivan IV ( The Terrible)
The first Czar
He was crowned when he was 3 years old. -
Nov 12, 1547
Good Period Of Rule
- Added Land 2.Codifed Laws To Unite Russia 3.Ruled Justly And Fairly
Nov 12, 1560
The Bad Period Of Rule
- Wife dies of mysterious illness 2.Blamed boyars and began to kill them 3.His Serect ppolice killed anuone he considered a traitoror a threat.
Nov 12, 1581
Fight With His Son
Killed his oldest son after a fight they had because he didnt like the way his sons wife dressed. -
The Death Of Ivan IV
1.He died of old age.
2.He leaves throne to his youngest son
3.He was not capable of ruling due to mental challenges. -
The Next Czar
Michael Romanov is selected to be nexr Czar.