

  • Nov 12, 1480

    ivan 3

    ivan 3
    1480 Ivan III freed Russia from the Mongols
  • Nov 12, 1552

    Ivan the terrible

    Ivan the terrible
    1552-1556 - Ivan the Terrible conquers the Tatar khanates of Kazan and Astrakhan and establishes Russian rule over lower and middle Volga.
  • 1605-1613

    Time of trouble
  • Peter the great

    Peter the great
    1689-1725 - Peter the Great introduces far-reaching reforms, including creating a regular conscript army and navy, subordinating the church to himself and creating new government structures.
  • War

    The Great Northern War
  • Found of st peterburg.

    The Russian Academy of Sciences was founded in St. Petersburg by Peter the Great.
  • Napoleon

    Napoleon invaded Russia.
  • Crimean war.

    The Crimean War. Fight between Russia, and the alliance of the United Kingdom, France, the Ottoman Empire. The war was epitomized by military incompetence on all sides. The war was an embarrassing defeat for Russia The Black Sea was made neutral ground, which prohibited warships, and any fortifications on its shores.
  • 1898

    1898 The Russian Social Democratic Labor Party was established by the Marxists
  • World war 1

    World war 1
    1914 World War I broke out and the Russians fought the Germans and Austrians