Hitler is born
Hitler is born on this day. He will later become the leader of Nazi Germany. -
Hans Huberman Junior is born
My minor Character Hans Huberman Junior is born some time around 1920. He is just about the same age as Max Vandenburg, who is a Jew living in the basement of Hans Huberman. -
Hitler appointed Chancellor
Hitler is appointed the Chancellor of Germnay. He begins the Third Reich. Hans Humberman Junior later joins the Nazi party. -
Dachau Concentration camp opens
Dachau Concentration camp is the camp closest to Molching. Rudy sees the Jews from this camp twice march through the town of Molching. -
The book burnings become public
The book burnings in Germany and accross the nazi reach are being burned. This is important because Rudy and Liesel steal a book from a fire. -
Hitler makes himself the Fuhrer
Hitler gives himself a special name wich the German people call him by. The name Fuhrer is used many times throughout the book. -
Jesse Owens
Jesse Owens was an olympic athlete who had won four gold medals in the 1936 olympics. Hitler refused to shake his hand because he was African American. Rudy wanted to be just like Jesse Owens, Rudy even went so far as to cover himself in charcoal. -
Mandatory regestration of all property by jews
The Jews are being persicuted more and more everyday. This is putting a tough burden on the people of Germany. -
War Breaks Out
Germany ainvades Poland, the worst times are coming to Germany. The bombings will come to Germany and maybe even Molching. -
Period: to
World war II
During the years of 1939-1945 the world is at war. The Germans and their allies are fighting the British and their allies. -
Hitlers Birthday
Hans Huberman Jr is a proud supporter of Hitler and is most likely helping with something for Hitlers Birthday. Hans Jr would be helping set up for the parade or ironing his Nazi Party suit. -
Rudy At the Parade
Rudy attends the parade for Hitlers birthday. Rudy is not a fan of Hitler and does not want to be there. -
Hans Huberman Junior Fights with his Father
Hans and his son Hans Huberman Junior get into a fight over politics, Hans Jr is a huge supporter of the Nazi party, on the other hand, Hans is not. THis fight ends with Hans Jr storming out of the house and telling Hans that Hans is not a patriot. -
Rudy Joins a Gang
Rudy Stiener, along with Liesel, join a gang lead by Arthur Berg. They steal food and split it, they try to be full for one time in their lives. -
Rudy takes food
Rudy and the gang he is hanging out with are doing well, but Rudy craves other foods. He takes the food from a man named Otto. Rudy knocks over Ottos bike and take Ottos food. -
The appearence of Rudy
"Stings of mud clench his face. His tie is a pendulum, long dead in its clock. His lemon, lamp-liy hair is disheveled and he wears a sad absurd smile." This is how Liesel discribes Rudy in 1941. -
Germany invades Soviet Union (Russia)
Germany invades the Soviet Union and Germany goes against its word when it signed the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact. Hans Huberman Jr dies in one of the battles in Russia. -
Rudys acts of stupidity (1/3)
Rudy commits his first act of stupidity, he staels the largest potato from the local grocer. He then awaits his punishment from the hands of the shopkeeper. -
Rudys act of stupidity(2/3)
Rudy is stubborn and his Youth Hitler leader doesnt like this. He punishes Rudy. Rudy ends up with a black eye, cracked ribs, and a haircut. -
Rudy act of stupidity(3/3)
Rudy completes his third and hopfully final act of stupidity. He starts to skip the Youth Jitler meetings. This would most likley cause in impact on his family not him. Rudy doesnt see the consequences for his actions. -
March 9 & 10
On the nights of March 9 and 10 Molching was bombed. A plane had crashed into a field near the amper river. Liesel and Rudy run toward the plane to see isf they need help or are still alive. They are dead. -
Rudy takes a book
Rudy has now plunged into the december, frigid water, to get what? A book for Liesel, he retrieves it and astonishingly doesnt die of hypothermia. -
Hans Huberman Jr.
Hans Huberman Jr is a very active part of the Nazi party, he is sent to Russia with the German Army. He dies in the summer of 1943 in his mid to late twentys. -
Rudy dies
Rudy dies in a bombing just 98 days after the return of Liesels father. The bombing happens late at night. the only survivor is Rudys best friend, Liesel. -
Nazis Deport Jews to concentration Camps
the Nazis begin to put more and more jews into concentration camps. The characters in the book witness one of many "Jew Parades". this is when the jews are marched through a town. -
Begining of the Death marches
THe Death marches occured when the front lines of the war were pushed inward and too close to concentration camps. The Jews were then marched through the winter weather to the next nearest concentration camp. -
Bombing of Hiroshima
The bombing of Hiroshia is a bombing like the one on Molching, but the one on Molching is on a much less scale then Hiroshima. Hiroshima marked the ending of WWII.