Ruby Bastani p.7 religions quiz

  • 6000 BCE


    Buddhism is practiced in Asia, Pacific region, north Asia and Europe. 400 million people follow this religion,This is one of the largest religions. There is no belief in a personal god in Buddhism and this religion is unlike Christianity and other monotheistic and polytheistic religions in the world, this teaches the way of life. The Dharma wheel is the symbol that represents Buddhism, The wheel has turned when the Buddha was was at Varanasi.
    the date is 6000
  • 2300 BCE


    Hinduism is practiced in Afghanistan, India, lots more places around the world. 1 billion Hindus practice this religion in the world, Hinduism is the 3 largest religion in the world and it's not a single religion it is a variety of related beliefs in spiritual practices. The Om is the Hinduism symbol for the religion.
    the date is 2300
  • 1400 BCE


    Islam is mostly practiced in central Asia, all of north Africa. Islam has 1.97 billion people who practice this religion and making up about 25% of the world, Islams are unlike any other religion because it is not merely a belief to which one adheres but rather Islam is a completer way of life. The Crescent and star is the symbol of Islam, the crescent is the early phase of the moon and represents progress, and the star signifies illumination with the light of knowledge.
    -the date is 1400
  • Period: 722 to 1492


    Why the war started is because the Christians felt like the Islams had more land and they wanted the land. The war started in 722 and in 1492 is when it ended, Reconquista dramatically decreased the population of caliphate, Cranda, Cordoba, and Several Muslims died.
  • Period: 1095 to 1291

    The Crusades

    The war started in 1095 and ended in 1291. In November 1095 the pope called on western Christians to take up arms to aid the by the Byzantines and recapture the holy land from the Muslims control. The results of the conflict is the defeat for the Europeans and the Muslims victory, many argue that they successfully extended the reach of the christianity. The lead ruler is king louis VII of france and the kind Conrad III
    of Germany. In June 1099 the Crusades began a five week siege of Jerusalem.
  • Period: 1095 to 1291

    The Circassian war

    The christens where fighting against the Islams over the holy land and the christens wanted to take over Pagan. This Fight took place in the middle and east of the Mediterranean sea and also Jerusalem, The battle of Scallion was significant because many people were sold or traded into slavery and many were believed to have been killed or enslaved while trying to escape they got captured. ended by the Christians not able to get the holy land and the Muslims still remains having to holy land
  • Period: to

    The 30 years War

    The 30 years war took place in central Europe , Germany,
    Europe.The 17th-century religious conflict, Started in May 28 1618,struggles over the the political and religious order within the empire Ferdinand the ll wanted all of his people to be Catholics. Innocent men, women, and children were abused and hurt badly There were diseases that spread
    People starved to death because it was hard to find food in that time Some people perished 450,000 people had died in the 30 years war. T end in 1648
  • Period: to

    The Cireassian War

    The Cireassian was fighting Russia about a border on the black sea so the Cireassian's could invade Russia, This war took place in South West of Russia and South East of Ukraine, Russia wanted more land. 1763 to 1864 troops were ordered to burn crops and to starve people and the attack was ordered by the Russians, Tsar Nicholas the first was imitated the to start, the Nabis who ruled the Circassion who was fighting the Russians. They expanded Russia to the black sea.
  • Period: to

    Israel Palestine Conflict

    Both Muslms and Jews wanted Israel, this war took place on the coast of the Meditranian sea and in 1948 is when the state Israel was founded. June 1967 Israel attacked the Syrain and Egyptian air forces, The Israelis main leader was Ariel Sharon who drove the PLO out of the Lebanon and the Palestines leader is Yasser Arafat and he was part of the Government and in 1993 he lead the POL to peace. The war laster for 7 years and in 1993 Oslo Accords were signed and US supports the Israels.
  • Period: to

    The Solveit

    Mohamed Dawud Khan was over thrown and Mohamed Trki took over, Mahamed Trki enforced many new rules. On December 24 1979 is when this war started and on February 15 1989 is when the war ended, through this time period people were fighting for gay rights and also Mujaheddin got weapons and money. Mohammad Najibullah was the president through this war, Many died and left then with no money and that was the fall of the Solvit Union and eventually truned into many teris attacks after the fall.
  • Christianity

    Christianity is practiced mostly in South Asia, There are 2 billion Christians worldwide and representing almost 3 of our world population. In the celebration of baptism a welcoming in the christian community recall Jesus, Christians eat the bread and drink the wine blessed as the body and blood of Jesus. The cross symbolizes Christianity
  • Period: to

    The Syrian Civil War

    The war started because of how much wealth was in one religion, Sunni and the Shias were fighting about the population between the 2 of them. The war was mainly in Syria and it started in 2011, Many people fled the country and the US is in favor of the Shaiis although they were the Moriarty. 6.8 refuges and political prisoners had gain more power.
  • Judaism

    Judaism is mostly practiced in the United States and in Israel, 14 million representing 0.2% of the global population practice this religion. Jews were monotheists and they believed in and worshiped only one god, the star of David symbols the Jewish community and its named after the kind David of the ancient of Israel
    the date 3500