1617 BCE
Small pox
is ancient and Frome the variola virus and eradicate virus that used to be contagious distiguring and often dudely around 1617 to early 1700 it was every where and a world wide slorend of slave trade because of this campaings small pox had a high mortality rate and back there was a economic disruption people learn the effeteness of the vaccination for preventing a deadly disease cause small pox being athins effect lesser slams for economic any people dying -
was between Jamestown Virigina for their settlement king James the settlement became the first permanent English in north America in 1607 English men and boys arrived in north America to start a settlement and that slavery started there first they made decisions regarding their relation do the natives and location there were many challenges that come along such as illness food short ages and confides with native the Jamestown colony learned how to establish a successful colony -
First Africans in Virgina 1619
They were a group of enslaved people from angora they were being "exchanged" trade for food and for supplies they were taken to a point "comfort" now Hampton and some were took to a place named Jamestown the time this happen was in late august and as you know the year was 1619 they were "captured" taken away by an English shin from Portugues slaves verse there were 20 slaves that come to visive -
Peach war
Peach war was bunched by the native america susanehanoca nation they fought september 15 -
indian massacre
took place in colony of Virgina that warriors of the Powhatan came unnamed into people house with deer fish and other provisor to sell us then they grabbed tools weapons to kill all englished settles men women children of all ages Opechancanough chief of the powtan confederacy attacked and killed 347 people the quarter of the population of the colony of Virgina -
Salem witch trails
Salem witch trials were accused of witchcraft in the colonial Massachusetts around, February 1692 and may 1693 more than 200 people were accused the witch trail started in the mid 17th century in 1668 joseph Glanville said he can prove that witch and ghosts are real well Salem witch trails was about how they believe in witch Ghose voodoo, and they fear native America attacks. -
New york slave revolt
Was an uprising in new york of 23 black slaves. they killed nine white and hurted another six Before they were stopped and over 70 porack people got arrested and went to jail. they were the largest enslaved population slaves worked as dock workers and in 1702 black people had a lil pit of freedom -
Yamasee war
War happen around 1715-17 with south Carolina and some native america groups played a minor role while other attacked and they killed hundreds of settlement and trades and about 7 percent of south Carolina were killed making this war the bloodiest war the reason they fought was indian group trading system and indian slave trade deer increasing indian debt to increase wealth -
Chesapeake Virgena
largest slave rebellion on colonial period north america two hundred slaves gathered in princess anne white planters stopped these meetings arresting slaves and forcing others to flee although hundred slaves fled to great dismal swore but immediately hunted down authorities -
stono rebellion
slave revolt that started September 1739 largest rebellion in southern colonies around 25 colonists and 35 to 50 africa slaves killed most of the captured slaves were excused and some were work to markets in the west indies the negro act 1740 which restricted slaves freedom -
benjamin kent 1752
slavery was by native Americans before European settlement unlined south America enslaved people had legal rights including the ability to file legal suits in court -
America revolution
Brish america between 1775-83 where by the thirteen colonies secured their independence from the British crown -
Declaration of independence
main purpose to announce justify the colonies Britain declare freedom to enslave people in confederacy "men are equal" declaration was for two hundred before the British colonies thousand of America gather and destroy the signs and symbols of the British crown and america was finally free from Britain -
The constitution
seven articles and 27 amendment "we the people" meaning the idea of popular sovereignty checks the balance of the three branches legislative executive and judicial and protects the rights "bill of rights" first amendment added in 1791