By rburose
  • RTI Response To Intervention

    TIER 1 High Quality Instruction.
    Universal Screening , research based methods
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    TIER 1

    Many students respond successfully in Tier 1. Grade level expectations met
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    TIER 2

    Grade level meetings held, data analysis of student work that show deficits.
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    TIER 2

    Targeted Supplemental Instruction begins. Teachers start progress monitoring using Curriculum based measurement (CBM), AIMSWeb, IReady. Teachers remediate academic skill deficits:word problems.
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    TIER 2

    Progress monitoring continues on a weekly basis, incorporating classroom measures: quizzes, exit tickets. Targeted supplemental instruction continues. Teachers meet to review results and discuss results
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    TIER 3 Intensive Interventions

    1:1 Instruction, Small group interventions.
    Despite HQ Core instruction, student is not making progress. Student is performing significantly below that of peers despite interventions. Student is identified for SPED services.