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    Reign of Czar Alexander III

    assumed the throne after his father passed and decided to reverse what his father had done and opposed representative government.
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    Reign of Czar Nicholas II

    received a military education, didn't trust many people out of paranoia that they were trying to overthrow him. Was not a great emperor, and was the only Russian emperor personally interested in Asia
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    Bolshevik party

    a Russian communist party that was led by Vladimir Lenin and seized control of Russia in october of 1917, becoming the dominant political power
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    Russo-Japanese War

    military conflict where Japan became the first Asian power in that time to defeat an European power
  • Bloody Sunday

    Lenin gathers forces for a socialist rebellion. group of workers are led to the czar's palace and Imperial forces began shooting which kills and wounds hundreds of people
  • March Revolution

    from February to March. overthrew the imperial government
  • Start of world war I

    Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia which starts wwI
  • Russian Provisional Government

    internationally recognized government of Russia
  • Vladimir Lenin returns to Russia

    Vladimir Lenin returns to Russia
    after a decade of exile, Lenin returns back to Russia to help the revolution
  • Bolshevik Revolution

    revolutionaries led by Vladimir Lenin launched a coup d'etat against Duma's provisional government
  • The Red Terror

    Bolshevik-led campaign of intimidations, arrests, violence, and executions
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    Russia Civil War

    issues between the new bolshevik government (red army) and socialists who were against it (whites)
  • Brest-Litovsk Treaty

    a peace treaty signed between the new Bolshevik government of Soviet Russia and the Central powers
  • Execution of the Romanovs

    They were awoken in the middle of the night and brutally attacked while they believed they were on the move to another location. they were shot, stabbed and beaten.
  • End of Russian civil war

    End of Russian civil war
    the last white stronghold, held by Pyotr Wrangel was defeated, marked as an ending point of the war
  • U.S.S.R.

    Russian, Ukrainian, and Belorussian republics came together to establish the U.S.S.R
  • Lenin dies

    leader of the October revolution dies after he had fallen into a coma