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Roy Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development

  • A

    My parents were divorced and subsequently, my father had left the state that we were residing in. My difficulty in adjusting to this change affected my life as a student and overall, my every day life. Erikson's fourth stage Industry versus Inferiority. This crisis is between becoming confident in one's self in learning and mastering skills, or experiencing inferiority in which you feel that your ability is less than the level of ability in your peers.
  • B

    During my adolescence, I did not have different identities to figure out who I was. Rather, I took on the identity of what my mother wanted me to be. Erikson's fifth stage, Identity versus Identity Confusion This crisis is between developing a sense of self (awareness of who you are and what you are capable of becoming), or struggling to develop a sense of self and being unsure of who you are and having confusion as to what you are able to become.
  • C

    I decided to fully commit myself to my girlfriend by asking her to move in with me and marrying her. Erikson's sixth stage, Intimacy versus Isolation This is the crisis between being emotionally committed to a person or not allowing yourself to be committed, and thus not letting a person know/understand who you are.