Rose Neff Acts Timeline

By rneff18
  • Navigation Acts

    Navigation Acts
    The purpose of this act was that it directed the trade between England and the colonies. Also the outcome of the Navigation Acts was that colonial merchants couldn't use foreign ships and it prevented the colonists from sending certain products that made up Englands empire.
  • Proclamation

    The purpose of this act was to set the Appalation Mountains as the temperary western boundry for the colonies. The outcome of it was that it angered those who owned shares in land companies.
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    The purpose of this was to lower the tax on imported molasses, and to convince colonists to pay tax instead of smuggling. The outcome was that it led officers seize goods from smugglers without going to court.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The purpose of this act was to place a tax on almost all printed materials, while the outcome was that Patrick Henry persuaded the burgesses to take action against the stamp act and had a protest.
  • Declaratory Act

    Declaratory Act
    The Declaratory Acts purpose was that they stated that parliament had the right to tax and make decitions for the british colonies. The outcome of this was parliament began issue several acts against the US, and it angered the colonists.
  • Townshend Act

    Townshend Act
    The purpose of this was that the new taxes would apply only to import goods with the tax being paid at the part of entry. The outcome was that it angered the colonists, and they formed another boycott.
  • Tea Act

    Tea Act
    The purpose of this act was it allowed the company a virtually monopoly, or sole control of the tade for tea in america. The outcome was it let companies sell directly to to shopkeepers and bypass colonial tea merchants who normally distributed the tea. Then colonial merchants called for a new boycott.
  • Coercive Acts (Intolerable Acts)

    Coercive Acts (Intolerable Acts)
    The Coercive Acts purpose was to punish the people of massachusettsfor their resistence of british laws. The outcome was that it closed Boston Harbor,untill Massachusttes colonists paid for the ruined tea, they prevented the revival that normaly came by ship, and it took away certain rights.
  • Quebec act

    Quebec act
    The purpose of this was to set up a government for Quebec, and gave Quebec the area west of the Appalations and north of the Ohio River, while the outcome of that was the colonists expressed their feelings in their name for the new law (the Intolerable Acts.