
Roots of Democracy-- B.C.E.

  • 335

    B.C.E., Aristotle

    B.C.E., Aristotle
    Aristotle founds the Lyceum in Athens
  • 336

    B.C.E., Alexander the Great

    B.C.E., Alexander the Great
    Becomes kind of Macedonia
  • 451

    B.C.E., Anicent Rome

    B.C.E., Anicent Rome
    The Law of 12 Tables is enacted
  • 460

    B.C.E., Athen's Golden Age

    B.C.E., Athen's Golden Age
    B.C.E, Pericles era
  • 500

    B.C.E., Ancient Rome

    B.C.E., Ancient Rome
    B.C.E., originally ruled by kings but eventually develops a form of representative democracy. Lasted from circa 500 B.C.E. to 476 C.E.
  • 510

    B.C.E., Ancient Greece

    B.C.E., Ancient Greece
    B.C.E., Parts of Greece become democratic
  • 510

    B.C.E., Ancient Rome

    B.C.E., Ancient Rome
    The last king of Rome is deposed by aristocrats; a new constitution is crafted but conflict between patricians and plebians continue
  • Jan 1, 1314

    B.C.E., Judaism

    B.C.E., Judaism
    Moses and the Ten Commandments
  • B.C.E., Judaism

    B.C.E., Judaism
    Birth of Abraham
  • B.C.E., Christianity

    B.C.E., Christianity
    Birth of Jesus
  • B.C.E., Socrates

    B.C.E., Socrates
    B.C.E., Trial and Execution of Socrates
  • B.C.E., Plato

    B.C.E., Plato
    Plate establishes the Athens Academy
  • B.C.E., Ancient Greece

    B.C.E., Ancient Greece
    B.C.E., circa 2200 B.C.E. to 130 B.C.E.