Romeo and Juliet Act 5

  • 1300

    Romeo's Dream

    Romeo dreams that Juliet finds him dead and brings him back to life as an emperor with her kisses.
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    Romeo buys poison

    Romeo buys poison from the Apothecary
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    Paris visits Juliet

    Paris bring Juliet flowers and promises to come back everyday
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    Romeo and Balthasar come to the churchyard

    Romeo goes to the churchyard to kill himself so he can be with Juliet
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    Romeo and Paris fight

    Paris knows it is Romeo but Romeo doesn't know it is Paris
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    Paris dies

    Romeo kills Paris in the fight
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    Romeo drinks the poison

    Romeo drinks the posion so he can be with Juliet
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    Friar Lawrence comes back to the tombs

    Friar Lawrence enters the tomb and finds a lot of blood and Romeo
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    Juliet wakes

    Juliet wakes to find Romeo dead and kills herself with his knife
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    Capulets and Montagues ends the feud

    Capulet is frist to try and end the feud, Montague agrees with Capulet