Rome's government gets destroyed because of the republic

  • 241 BCE

    the very first punic ended

  • 237 BCE

    expansion of carthaginian of liberia

  • 236 BCE

    Rome launched a campaign

  • 229 BCE

    The best general drowned

  • 226 BCE

    Rome became very anxious

  • 219 BCE

    hanable got or captured saguntum

  • 218 BCE

    Rome declared war

  • 218 BCE

    hannibal crossing the alps

  • 216 BCE

    Multiple romes city put a conflict to hannibal

  • 216 BCE

    Both sides of the war meet at cannae

  • 207 BCE

    Hahable left bruttium

  • 204 BCE

    Roman city invaded africa

  • 202 BCE

    crazy ending to second punic war