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Rome's Change

  • 753 BCE

    Founding of Rome

    Founding of Rome
    This was the day that Rome was founded by Romulus according to legend. The small village would eventually become one of the largest empires the world had seen.
  • 509 BCE

    Rome Becomes a Republic

    Rome Becomes a Republic
    The 250-year monarchy of Rome had to come to an end at some point. The king was overthrown, and the Patricians installed a democratic Republic.
  • 44 BCE

    Caesar Assassinated

    Caesar Assassinated
    In an attempt to keep Rome a republic, the senators conspired to assassinate Caesar. This action would inadvertently lead Augustus/Octavian to end the Republic and start the Empire
  • 27

    Rome Becomes an Empire

    Rome Becomes an Empire
    In this year, Augustus is named the sole ruler of Rome. This officially ended the Republic and began the Empire.
  • Period: 96 to 117

    Rome Peaks in Power

    Largest Geographical expanse the empire ever reached. This was its peak.
  • 286

    Rome is Divided

    Rome is Divided
    Diocletian divides the empire into east and west to be run by different emperors.
  • 323

    Christianity becomes the official religion

    Christianity becomes the official religion
    From being heavily persecuted just decades before, Christianity was now the official religion of the empire.
  • 330

    Capital of Roman empire becomes Constantinople

    Capital of Roman empire becomes Constantinople
    Constantine moves the capital of the Roman Empire out of Rome and into Constantinople.
  • 410

    Rome is Sacked

    Rome is Sacked
    For the first time, Rome is Sacked. Invaders had never been able to reach Rome before, but the empire was greatly weakened at the time. They were eventually driven off.
  • 476

    Western Empire Falls

    Western Empire Falls
    The western Emperor is overthrown by Theodric, who becomes the King of Italy.