Rapto de las sabinas monarquia de roma pjmxemkl8x5vjcblhj1er4am1clytrbph1liwr32o0


  • 763 BCE

    Creation of the Senate

    Creation of the Senate
    It was one of the institutions of the government of Ancient Rome. It was composed during most of the Republic of three hundred members drawn from the ancient magistrates.
    The Senate was born as a consultative institution of the Roman Monarchy, formed exclusively by 30 patricians
  • 509 BCE

    Roman citizens threw out Tarquinius Superbus, the last Roman Etruscan King

    Roman citizens threw out Tarquinius Superbus, the last Roman Etruscan King
    Acording to the traditional account, a group of aristocrats overthrow the last king, Lucius Tarquinius Superbus, in response to the rape of the noblewoman Lucretia by the king's second son, Syextus Tarquinius; after revealing the rape to some noblemen, Lucretia commits suicide.
  • 264 BCE

    The first Punic war between Romans and Carthaginians

    The first Punic war between Romans and Carthaginians
    It was primarily fought over control of Sicily, and resulted in Roman’s victory, making Sicily its first foreign province
  • 218 BCE

    The second Punic war and campaign in Hispania

    The second Punic war and campaign in Hispania
    The Punic War was the war where the Carthaginian Empire and the Republic of Rome came into conflict, in that same war it was where Aemilius Paulus lost his life while Terence Varro fled with the remains of the defeated Roman army in Hispania, and the Punic's won the conflict.
  • 60 BCE

    First Triumvirate

    First Triumvirate
    Was an informal political alliance among three prominent politicians in the late Roma republic
  • 45 BCE

    III Roman civil war

    III Roman civil war
    The III Roman Civil War was the internal military conflict between the Roman Republic between the worshipers of Caesar, commanded by his adopted son, and the murderers of Caesar, commanded by Marcus Junius ​​Brutus, the conflict took place between 42-43 B.C.
  • 43 BCE

    The second triumvirate

    The second triumvirate
    Was a five-year alliance made between Mark Antony, Cesar, Octavius, and Marcus, Aemilius, Lepidus, after the power vacuum caused by the assassination of Julius Cesar
  • 27 BCE

    Octavian Augustus, the first Roman emperor

    Octavian Augustus, the first Roman emperor
    Augustus was a Roman statesman and military leader who became the first emperor of the Roman Empire between 27 BC and his death in 14. He was the first ruler of the Julio-Claudian dynasty.
  • 44

    The senator Màximus and Dictator Perpetu Gai Julius Caesar is murdered

    The senator Màximus and Dictator Perpetu Gai Julius Caesar is murdered
    He was a Roman politician and military man from the 1st century BC. C., member of the patricians Julius Caesars, who reached the highest magistrates of the Roman State and dominated the politics of the Republic after winning the civil war that pitted him against the most conservative sector of the Senate.
  • 73

    The slaves rebellion, headed (led) by Espartacus

    The slaves rebellion, headed (led) by Espartacus
    The Third Servile War, also called the Gladiator War and the War of Spartacus by Plutarch, was the last in a series of slave rebellions against the Roman Republic known as the Servile Wars.
  • 79

    The Vesuvius volcano erupted and destroyed the ancient Roman town-city Pompeii

    The Vesuvius volcano erupted and destroyed the ancient Roman town-city Pompeii
    Had devastating consequences for the city. Buried the city under a layer of pumice stones and ash. It also destroyed the nearby city of Herculaneum
  • 210

    Scipio's arrival

    Scipio's arrival
    Scipio arrives to Hispania from Africa, and he used his Roman veterans to execute a series of audacious flanking maneuvers while his fickle Spanish allies held the enemy's main forces in place.
  • 476

    The Ostrogoths King overthrew Ròmul Augustul, the last Roman emperor

    The Ostrogoths King overthrew Ròmul Augustul, the last Roman emperor
    After Romulus ruled for ten months, the barbarian general Odoacer defeated and killed Orestes and deposed Romulus. As Odoacer proclaimed no successor, Romulus is considered the last Western Roman emperor, and his deposition marked the end of the Western Roman Empire as a political entity.