753 BCE
Founding of Rome
Period: 509 BCE to 27 BCE
Roman Republic
The Roman Republic was the era of ancient Roman civilization beginning with the overthrow of the Roman Kingdom, traditionally dated to 509 BC, and ending in 27 BC with the establishment of the Roman Empire. -
Period: 377 BCE to 27 BCE
Fall of Roman Republic
Internal turmoil provoked in 133 BC by economic stagnation in the city of Rome , slave revolts without, and dissension in the military precipitated a period of unrelenting political upheaval known as the Roman Revolution, the Late Roman Republic , or the Fall of the Republic, 133-27 BC. -
Period: 264 BCE to 146
Punic Wars
The Punic Wars were a series of three wars fought between Rome and Carthage from 264 BC to 146 BC. At the time, they were probably the largest wars that had ever taken place. -
Period: 63 BCE to 14
Important Roman Emperors pt.1
- Augustus ( September 63 BC – 19 August 14 AD) He was one of the first Emperors, of Rome
Period: 27 BCE to Mar 31, 1453
The Roman Empire started in 27 BC and ended 1453 -
Period: 53 to 117
Imporant Roman Emperors pt.2
. Trajan ( September 53 AD – 8 August 117 AD) Read more: http://www.ancienthistorylists.com/rome-history/top-10-greatest-emperors-ancient-rome/#ixzz4cuvpF9oa -
Period: 66 to 70 BCE
Roman Revolt
No one could argue with the Jews for wanting to throw off Roman rule. Since the Romans had first occupied Israel in 63 B.C.E., their rule had grown more and more onerous. From almost the beginning of the Common Era, Judea was ruled by Roman procurators, whose chief responsibility was to collect and deliver an annual tax to the empire. -
Period: 121 to 180
Important Roman Emperors pt3.
- Marcus1 Aurelius (April 121 AD – 17 March 180 AD)
Fall of Rome