Romantic Era

  • Period: to

    Romatic Era

  • Roman Catholic preists banned from Massachusetts

    Massachusetts passes a law ordering all Roman Catholic priests to leave the colony within three months, upon penalty of life imprisonment or execution
  • Queen Anne

    Queen Anne ascends the English throne. In May, England declares war on France after the death of the King of Spain, Charles II, to stop the union of France and Spain. This War of the Spanish Succession is called Queen Anne's War in the colonies, where the English and American colonists will battle the French, their Native American allies, and the Spanish for the next eleven years.
  • Treaty of Utrecht

    Queen Anne's war ends
  • Tea

    Tea is intorduced to the colonists.
  • Slaves

    The first slaves arrive in the territory of Louisiana
  • Period: to


  • King George

    King George II ascends the English throne
  • England vs. Spain

    England declares war on Spain.
  • Currency Act

    Englad bans the colonies from printing money.
  • East India Company rules much of India

  • Period: to

    William Blake

  • The procomation of 1763

    All colonists west of the Appalachian moutains must move back
  • Declaratory Act

    England passes an act that says they have total governing power over the Colonists.
  • Boston Massacre

    English soidlers kill unarmed colonists
  • Period: to

    William Wordsworth

  • Boston Tea Party

  • Period: to

    Lord Byron

  • Songs of innocence and of experience

    William Blakes best work
  • Period: to

    Percy Bysshe Shelley

  • Cotton Gin invented

  • Period: to

    John Keats

  • Rime of the ancent mariner

    Coleridge greatest work
  • I wandered lonely as a cloud

    I wandered lonely as a cloud
    Wordsworth greatest work
  • Ozymandias

    One of Shelleys greatest works
  • Don Juan

    Byron's Greatest work
  • Ode on a grecian urn

    Keat's greatest work
  • British seize Shanghai