1 CE
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ was born On December 25th -
Tiberius Secedes Augustus
Augustus died on August 19th at Nola. While legally all of his powers ceased with his demise, Augustus had arranged for his family members to succeed him. Thus Tiberius, the son of Augustus' wife Livia by her first marriage, became the new Emperor of Rome. -
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ was put to death by the Romans in Jerusalem on April 7th -
Caligula Assassinated
After the death of Tiberius, he was succeeded by Caligula. Caligula was considered by many to be insane. He was assassinated by Cassius Chaerea, a member of the Praetorian Guard on January 24th in the year 41 A.D. -
Rome Burns
The city of Rome was nearly destroyed in a catastrophic fire. The fire is said to have been set by Nero. Legend has it that 'Rome burned while Nero fiddled'. -
German Tribes Invades Northern Italy
The German tribes crossed the Danube River and attacked the Roman Empire. They advanced as far as Aquileia in Northern Italy. The Romans under Marcus Aurelius managed to repulse the Germans in 169 AD. -
Battle At Chalons
In 260 A.D., Marcus Postumus created a separate Gallic Empire. In 274 A.D. at the Battle of Chalons, his successor Pius Tetricus was defeated, thereby ending the short-lived Gallic Empire. -
Britain Reinvaded By Romans
Constantius Chlorus invaded Britain. He defeated Allectus who had killed Marcus Aurelius Carausius. Britain was reintegrated into the Roman Empire and divided into four provinces. -
Battle At Mursa
Reunites Empire- At the Battle of Mursa in present-day Croatia, Constantius defeated Magnentius. Magnentius committed suicide and the Roman Empire was once again united -
Romans Withdraw From Britain
In 407 A.D., Constantine led his troops on a withdrawal from Britain. Roman troops never returned to Britain.