Period: 753 BCE to 509 BCE
Roman Monarchy
509 BCE
Tyrant Overthrown
Tarquinius Superbus aka Tarquinius the Proud, was overthrown by patricians. Instead of making another Monarchy, they created a representative government. -
Period: 509 BCE to 27 BCE
Roman Republic
287 BCE
Plebeians Rights
Small farmers, tradespeople, crafts workers, and common soldiers also known as plebeians, won the right to be full citizens and they were able to pass laws and select magistrates. -
49 BCE
Julius Caesar Reign 49-44 B.C
Julius became Rome's first life dictator at age 55, but not for long. He tried to conquer Germany and he expanded Roman territory all throughout Europe. Julius built a bridge, using timber, to cross the river. It only took 10 days for the bridge to get put up. Julius was assassinated on the steps of the senate in Rome. -
41 BCE
Claudius was a Roman Emperor from 41 to 54 B.C. He was the reason why Rome was the first place to have running water in homes individually. Claudius had the greatest impact on Rome's aqueducts and waterways. Claudius conquered Britannia. -
27 BCE
Pax Romana
Pax Romana was a time of peace between nationalities with a time of peace across the Roman Empire. It began with the reign of Agustus, who ruled from 27 BCE to 14 CE. Agustus made it his mission to bring law, order and security within the empire. -
Period: 27 BCE to 476
The Roman Empire
Aqua Claudia
The Claudian Aqueduct, or the Aqua Claudia was created in 41-54 AD one of the 9 Aquaducts in Rome.Used to transport water throughout the city.