• 396 BCE

    Roman Expansion

    396BCE is when the Roman emperor finally started expanding and defeating larger enemies rather than small weak enemies.
  • 387 BCE

    Battle Of Allia

    France defeats Rome in the battle of Allia and they sack Rome. The Romans are forced to pay France with gold in order for them to leave their city. The defeat though leads the Roman army to change their strategy and formation which then stays the same for 7 centuries.
  • 364 BCE

    Rome vs Macedonia

    In this battle the army while Titus was in control defeated the Macedonian army, led by Phillip. This was an important battle because the Greek's had been defeated so after this war Rome dominated.
  • 280 BCE

    The Phyrric War

    The Phyrric war starts between Rome and Tarentum, a city in Greece. In the war Phyrris win some victories he loses a third of his forces. It lasts 5 years until Rome finally get their win.
  • 272 BCE

    Rome vs Tarentum

    After the Phyrric war win the Romans took over Tarentum. This made Rome complete rulers over the Italian peninsula.
  • 264 BCE

    The First Punic War

    The first Punic war was mainly fought over the island Sicily. Because it was an island lots of the fighting was in the sea
    meaning Carthage had advantage, but Rome quickly built over 100 war ships. The Romans also invented a bridge type thing that allowed them to access the enemy's ships. In the end Rome dominated and won the war over Carthage.
  • 218 BCE

    The Second Punic War

    Wanting revenge for the first Punic War Hannibal, the leader of Carthage led his army into the war as well as some war elephants in a march that cost him half his army. This worked, for the Romans were surprised by the attack. The war went on for 15 years until the Romans were able to capture Hannibal and Carthage gave up all its land except for a bit.
  • 149 BCE

    The Third Punic War

    In 149BCE the third Punic War broke out. The Romans, finally, after three wars, broke through the walls of Carthage and burnt everything inside the walls. Any survivors were sold as slaves or killed in the town square.
  • 73 BCE

    The Serville War

    The third Serville War was a rebellion war. 78 gladiators escaped and started a rebellion group against the government. As they moved they got more and more people joining them, soon they had 120,000 escaped slaves and travellers. They defeated lots of army people but in the end 8 legions were sent out to kill them, it was a long fight, but in the end the escaped prisoners lost.
  • 59 BCE

    Series Of Conquests

    After dominating Rome Julius launched a series of different conquests. After nine years of fighting he conquered France (Gaul), this victory made Caesar's rival (Pompey) scared so Pompey persuaded the Senate to take away Caesar's army, later Caesar came back for revenge.
  • 49 BCE

    Caesar's Civil War

    This war was called Caesar's Civil War, sometimes known as The Great Roman Civil War. Julius Caesar's army fought against the Senate's army, Pompey The Great. It lasted four years until Caesar finally won and became dictator of Rome. This was the ending of the Roman republic. A famous point in the war was when Caesar crossed the Rubricon River meaning he was going to war against Rome. Now the term 'crossing the Rubricon' is used when someone does something that they can't take back.
  • 31 BCE

    The Battle Of Actium

    The Battle of Actium, this was when the Octavian's soldiers, led by Marcus Agrippa, defeated both the Roman army, led by Antony and the Egyptians, led by Cleopatra. The Octavian's won so they were the main ruler in Rome, Marcus was going to be the first emperor. He ended up changing his name to Augustus when he became emperor.
  • 9

    Rome vs German

    In 9CE a rebellious group of German tribes ambushed a few Roman legions in a forest. Despite many attempts the Romans had never actually made it past the German border line and the battle that occurred settled the Rhine River as the border between the two.
  • 43

    Julius Attempt At Britain

    In 43CE Julius attempted to conquer Britain, Claudius had tried this already but was not successful. Julius was kind of successful, but Britain was never fully ruled by Rome.
  • 114

    Rome vs Parthia

    Rome and Parthia have already had little fights but finally Rome start a war against them. The Roman soldiers, led by Trajan. They stride through Armenia and proceed to fight the Pathians. Trajan won the war for the Romans but later when Hadrian was emperor, he made peace with the Parthians.
  • 378

    The End Of The Roman Expansion

    The Visigoths were pushed towards Rome by other armies who were invading them. When they were pushed into Rome the Roman legions couldn't stop them from invading Rome and suffer their biggest defeat as the Visigoths take over Rome. Although they did let the Roman buildings stay, especially the ones related with Christianity.