Roman Timeline

  • 285

    Diocletian Divides the Empire

    Diocletian Divides the Empire
    This move broke the empire in two so that it was easier to rule
  • 312

    Edict of Milan

    Edict of Milan
    This decree made it possible in Rome to have religious freedom.
  • 324

    Constantine unites the empire

    Constantine unites the empire
    Constantine united the west and east empires once again.
  • 330

    Capitol Moves from Rome to Constantinope

    Capitol Moves from Rome to Constantinope
    The fall of Rome caused the empire to rely on the eastern capital in Constantinope.
  • 395

    Empire divides again

    Empire divides again
    The empire splits into fourths after the the death of Emperor Theodosius.
  • 455

    Vandals sack Rome

    Vandals sack Rome
    Vandals before attacking the city, they destroyed all the aqueducts, causing the city to have no running water.
  • 476

    Western Rome Empire falls

    Western Rome Empire falls
    After barbarian tribes, economic struggles, the rise of East Rome, poltical instability and christianity the Western Empire falls.
  • Jan 28, 1054

    Schism in the church

    Schism in the church
    This was the final seperation of the Eastern church, led by Michael Cerularius and the western that was lead by Pope Leo IX.
  • Jan 28, 1453

    Eastern Roman falls to the Ottoman Turks

    Eastern Roman falls to the Ottoman Turks
    This was the final fall of the Roman empire.