800 BCE
Expansion of Empire on the Peninsula
The ancestors of the Romans, called the Latins, had migrated into Italy. The Latins settled along the Tiber River in small villages scattered over seven low-lying hills. There, they herded and farmed. Their villages would in time grow together into Rome, the city on seven hills. -
753 BCE
Rome was Founded
Legend says that Rome was founded by Romulus. Romulus was the first of the seven Roman kings who killed is brother, Remus, over what they would name Rome. -
27 BCE
End of the Roman Republic
When Rome's great leader, Julius Caesar, was stabbed to death, a new leader named Octavian took the name of Augustus. Then he found the Roman Empire, which caused the end of the Roman Republic. -
Period: 27 BCE to 180
Pax Romana
A period of peace and minimal military expansion. The period spanned approximately 206 years -
Period: 19 BCE to 14
Augustus Caesar
After Julius Caesar's death, fought to avenge Caesar and in 31 BC defeated Antony and Cleopatra at the Battle of Actium. Augustus also founded the Roman Empire and was its first Emperor. During his reign, Augustus added Egypt, northern Spain, and large parts of central Europe to the empire.. -
Division of the Empire
A forceful Roman general named Diocletian divided the Roman Empire. He thought it would help him rule efficiently. He kept the wealthiest half for himself, and he gave the other half to Maximian, the new co- emperor. -
Period: 306 to 337
Constantine I
He was the first Christian Emperor. He granted the freedom of worship, but he also suppressed paganism. He introduced a gold coin, the solidus, which would be the basic currency for centuries. -
Constatinople was Founded
While Constantine was emperor, he set up a new capital in the city of Byzantium. It was named Constantinople and is located in what is now Turkey.