509 BCE
Founding of Rome
- "Rome rose from a small city-state on the Italian peninsula to become the dominant power in the Mediterranean world."
- 509 b.c. ancestors from rome (italians) migrated to Italy.
270 BCE
Expansion of Empire on the peninsula
- Unlike Greece, Italy doesn't have barriers. Italy has big fertile plains, it helped support growing population.
- "By about 270 b.c., Rome controlled most of the Italian peninsula."
34 BCE
Jesus’s main teachings
- Jesus taught around Jewish tradition.
- He called himself the son of God.
- "Jesus emphasized God’s love and taught the need for justice, morality, and service to others"
31 BCE
End of the Republic
- "After nine years of fighting, he completed the conquest of Gaul—the area that is now France and Belgium. Jealous and fearful of Caesar's success, Pompey persuaded the Senate to order Caesar to disband his army and return to Rome."
- He disobeyed and led his army to Rome after he was stabbed to death, the republic ended.
31 BCE
Pax Romana
- Pax Romana is the 200 period time where Rome was unexpectedly peaceful. The Pax Romana started from 27 b.c.- 200 b.c.
- The government maintained law, order, and stability. This time period started when Octavian became the leader of the Rome empire.
- 31 B.C - 161 A.D
27 BCE
Augustus Caesar (Octavian)
- Augustus ruled for 44 years.
- 19 years old when he came to power.
- Julias Caesar was his great uncle.
- Augustus and Antony shared power in Rome.
- Augustus created a civil service to enforce the laws.
- 27 B.C. - A.D. 14 Major Contribution- He established a stable government. Significant Events
- "Augustus created a network of roads that facilitated trade. "
- Augustus added Egypt, northern Spain, and large parts of central Europe to the empire.
Constantine I
- A.D. 306 - 337
- First Christian leader.
- "He issued the Edict of Milan, granting freedom of worship."
- Created Constantinople.
- "Solidified separation of military and civilian power."
- Introduced gold coin. Major Contribution- He issued the Edict of Milan, granting freedom of worship. Significant Events
- "He created Constantinople as the eastern empire’s new capital"
- "Reorganized the Roman army with field units to counter invaders. "
Founding of Constantinople and the division of the Empire
- In 312 a general named, Constantine took the throne.
- "He granted toleration to Christians".
- "He set up a new capital at the centuries-old city of Byzantium".
- He named the new capital, Constantinople.
- He made Rome the center of power.
- Diocletian and Constantine had mixed results.
- They tried to hold the empire together.
- The empire ended up being brought down.