Roman Timeline

  • Period: 1000 BCE to 500 BCE


    • Latins, the Greeks, and the Etruscan's battled for control
    • Latins original settlement, a cluster of wooden huts atop one of its seven hills, Palatine Hill
    • Latins were considered first settlers of Rome
    • Roman Republic Began
  • 753 BCE

    Romulus and Remus

    Romulus and Remus
    • founded Rome
  • 509 BCE

    Tyrant Took Control

    • Romans didn't want to be ruled by a king again
    • Tyrant took control
  • Period: 500 BCE to 500

    Ancient Rome

    • time associated with ancient Rome
  • 451 BCE

    Twelve Tables

    Twelve Tables
    • group of ten officials wrote Roman's laws
    • laws were carved on twelve tablets, or tables, and hung in the Forum.
    • The Twelve Tables said that all free citizens had a right to the protection of the law.
  • 265 BCE

    Taking Control

    • Roman's took control of Italy
    • Roman's power spread far beyond Italy
  • Period: 264 BCE to 241 BCE

    Control Over The Seas

    • took control over Mediterranean Sea
  • 218 BCE

    Punic War

    • second war
    • Hannibal was behind the war and a brilliant military strategist who wanted to avenge Carthage’s earlier defeat