
Roman time line

  • 753 BCE

    753 B.C.

    The city was founded by Romulus and Remos
  • 600 BCE

    600 B.C.

    Etruscan became king
  • 509 BCE

    509 B.C.

    The last king of Rome was Tarquin the proud , he was driven from power in this date
  • 390 BCE

    390 B.C.

    The Gavls , a Celtic people from the Po River valley , north of the Apennies , sacked river
  • 285 BCE


    A religious man , who believed in the traditional Roman gods . He identified with the god Apollo , whom he claimed to have seen in a vision .
  • 265 BCE

    265 B.C.

    Rome and Carthage went to war
  • 264 BCE

    264 B.C.

    The First Punic war with Carthage begins
  • Period: 264 BCE to 146 BCE

    264-146 B.C.

    Rome and Carthage fought three wars
  • 216 BCE

    216 B.C.

    Hannibal won his great victory at Cannae
  • 202 BCE

    202 B.C

    at Zama near Carthage the Romans defeated Hannibal
  • Period: 161 BCE to 180 BCE

    Marcus Aurelius

    Brought empire to height of economic prosperity and wrote philosophy
  • 43

    Mark Antony and Octavian

    They took control of Rome and ruled for ten years as the Second Triumvirate.
  • 44

    44 B.C.

    Conspirator kill Julius Cesar
  • 80

    The colosseum

    one of the greatest feats of Roman engineering and a model for the ages
  • 218

    218 B.C

    In the second Punic War , Hannibal invades Italy
  • 284

    A.D. 284

    Diocletian , who will divide the Roman Empire , becomes emperor
  • 313


    announce an end to the persecution of Christians .
  • 476

    A.D 476

    Western Roman Empire falls with the ouster of the last emperor , Romulus Augustulus
  • 509

    509 B.C

    Rome becomes a republic
  • Period: Dec 24, 1000 to 500 BCE

    1000 to 500 B.C.

    the earliest settlers on the Italian peninsula arrived
  • slit

    East and west split where the west lasted a 1,000 years longer