
Roman Republic/ Empire

By CW3432
  • 509 BCE

    Roman Republic

    Roman Republic
    In 509 B.C. The Romans overthrew the etruscans and started there own empire.
  • 494 BCE

    Plebs vrs. Patricians

    Plebs vrs. Patricians
    Two groups where made in Rome. Plebians and Patricans. The plebs where farmers, crasftman and bakers while the Patricians where welthy landowners.
  • 400 BCE

    Roman senate/ Consul

    Roman senate/ Consul
    The Roman senate was made up of about 300 patricians that would make and enforce laws, they where managed by 2 consul members that would fiht in wars and stay home to deal with regualr problems.
  • 264 BCE

    First Punic War

    First Punic War
    The first Punic War was between carthage and Rome. Rome wanted sicily so the sent troops realized they needed navy so built navy and then destroyed them and won the war.
  • 206 BCE

    Hanniable/ 2nd punic war

    Hanniable/ 2nd punic war
    Haniibal was a general that lead the 2nd punic war and used elphants to destroy Rome. Rome sends scipio to destroy hannibal which he did and spain.
  • 146 BCE

    3rd punic war

    3rd punic war
    Rome completly destroyed Carthage and bruned everything to the ground.
  • 111 BCE

    Spartacus revolt

    Spartacus revolt
    Spartacus was the biggest slave revolt in history, he took his army of gladiators and slaves and ran around Rome getting revenege till he died by Crassus
  • 20 BCE


    was a historian who wrote The Early History of Rome in 142 books, 35 have survived and saw history in terms of moral lessons.
  • 30


    Jesus was the founder of christainity and was sent by god to tell everybody that there is only one god. He spread his thoughts throughout Rome. Eventaully gets crucified and died.
  • 100


    by the 3rd century women did not need any guardians to go out divorces where made and slavery was now legal.
  • 100


    Nero dealed with the christans at this time by killing all of them that belived in jesus and even following in there footsteps he killed you.
  • 110

    Clergy/ latiy

    Clergy/ latiy
    These where two group that followed christianity the clergy's where church leaders and the latiy where church members.
  • 238


    Tetrarchy was made by Diocletian and it split Rome up into 2 parts west and east but it just made western rome fall easier.
  • 476

    Romulus Augustulus

    Was the last Roman emperor, was on of the four rulers that split into tetrarchy.
  • 476


    Plague was caused because the Roman used lead cups and dishes and to much lead can make you severly ill. Inflation broke out because the roman empire was losing supplies and people, and Relgions caused Rome to fall apart because they didnt beive in the same thing anymore, arguments started wars started.