Roman Republic

  • 106 BCE


    He was an outstanding scholar, author, lawyer and statesman. He won acclaim as the greatest orator of his day. He influenced later Roman writers and students of Latin literature.
  • 99 BCE


    He was a poet. He wrote a poem "On the Nature of Things", in this poem Lucretius preserved the teachings of Epicurus.
  • 70 BCE


    He was often called the "Homer of Rome". He was considered the greatest Roman poet. Rome was glorified because of the epic poem he wrote "Aemeid"
  • 65 BCE


    He became the "Poet of the Augustan Age"
  • 59 BCE


    Wrote a lengthy history of Rome. Livy drew from many reliable legends.He saw the traditional virtues and patriotism of the Rome people as the foundation of Rome's greatness.
  • 43 BCE


    Ovid wrote about mythology and love. He became popular among Rome's upper class because of his poems.
  • 37 BCE


    He sentenced Jesus to death by crucifixion.
  • 3 BCE


    One of the leading Stoics of the Roman Empire. Outstanding writer, and thinker. Tutor of the emperor Nero.
  • 1 CE


    Jesus was born in the small Roman province of Judea. He saved his people from sin by dieing on the cross.
  • 1 CE


    Medicine continued under the work of the Greek Physician. Studied animal lungs, heart, arteries, and blood.
  • 5


    Paul's name was originally named Saul. He was born into a jewish home of Tarsus.
  • 45


    Wrote biographies that compared the lives of important Greek and Roman men. Most famous Greek writer in the Roman Empire.
  • 54


    First official Roman persecution of Christianity. Accused the Christians of setting fire to Rome.
  • 55


    Favored the old republic over life under the self-centered emperor. His work "Annals"is a variable.
  • 60


    Wrote bitter satires on the loose morals and social problems f the empire
  • 66


    Jewish historian. Recorded the conflict between the Jews and Romans. Warned the Jews of the folly of armed resistance against the Romans
  • 70


    Breached the walls of Jerusalem. Looted the temple. Completely destroyed the city.
  • 85


    He promoted that the sun, moon, and planets revolve around the earth. Through based on false assumptions, his geocentric theory of the universe went unchallenged for almost fourteen centuries.
  • 180

    Marcus Aurelius

    Scholar, Philosopher, administrator, and so called Good Emperors of Rome. Known as the "philosopher-king"
  • 284


    Dismissed Christians soldiers from the army and ordered the destruction of Christians churches, and burned of the scripture.
  • 386

    St. Augustine

    Born at Tagaste in North Africa. His father was a pagan