
KPK 9A British history

  • Period: 6000 BCE to 6000 BCE

    Britain became an island

    European land mass until the end of last Ice Age
  • Period: 3000 BCE to 2000 BCE

    British isles were inhabited by the Iberians

    They made coarse cloth for their clothes, learn the art of pottery, made things of wool, metal and copper, and were good wsrriors
  • Period: 55 BCE to 54 BCE

    Roman Invasion 1

    Julius Caesar reached the north-western shores of Gaul
  • Period: 43 to 410

    Roman Invasion 2

    A rebellion in Gaul forced Caesar to withdraw his soldiers from Britain
  • Period: 122 to 122

    Hadrian`s Wall

    They had continuing problems with the unconquered native tribes of far north
  • Period: 787 to 1066

    Viking attacs

    They were fierce pagan seafaring warrious. The Vikings mercilessly raided and pillaged coastal towns...
  • Period: 1066 to 1066

    Battle of Hastings

    The Norman Duke William defeated the Saxon King Harold