Roman Imperialism Reading

  • 490 BCE

    Latin Leage

    Treaty between Rome and a major grouping of Latin cities.
  • 341 BCE

    War between Rome and an aliance between the Latin Leage and non Latin people

    Unsuccessful 3 year war that ended the Latin resistance and amplified Rome's strength, ended in 338.
  • 338 BCE

    Settlement of Rome

    Stablishment of structures that enabled Rome to take control over Italy.
  • 328 BCE

    Start of the War against the Samnites

    Due to the founding of a Roman colony at Fregellae
  • 321 BCE

    Surrender of the Roman army at Caudine Forks

  • 312 BCE

    Construction of the Via Appia

  • 304 BCE

    End of the War against the Samnites

  • 303 BCE

    Founding of Alba Fucens in the central Apennines

  • 299 BCE

    Founding of Narnia in Umbria

  • 295 BCE

    Defeat for the Samnites and the Gauls at the battle of Sentinum in Umbria

    Renewed conflict that started at the start of the third century BCE
  • 289 BCE

    Founding of Hadria over towards the Adriatic coast

  • 280 BCE

    Pyrrhos inflicts two defeats to the Roman Troops

    But Rome's power and tactics are stronger and they are victorious at the end
  • 275 BCE

    Pyrrhos returns to Greece

  • 273 BCE

    Ptolemy II sends an embasy to Rome and in return Rome sends one back to Egypt.

  • 272 BCE

    Tarentum is captured

    And made into a Roman ally
  • Period: 264 BCE to 241 BCE

    First Punic War

    Between the Rome and Carthage. Rome won and the result was the annexation of Sicily to Rome.
  • Period: 229 BCE to 228 BCE

    Illyrian War

  • 227 BCE

    Organisation of Sicily and Sardinia as provinces of Rome

  • Period: 218 BCE to 201 BCE

    Second Punic War

    Between Rome and Carthage. Rome ended victorious. As a result, Rome conquered Carthaginian Iberia, and Numidia was unified.
  • Period: 214 BCE to 205 BCE

    First Macedonian War

    Between Rome and Macedonia. Ended in a Stalemate with the Peace of Phoenice.
  • 211 BCE

    Alliance between the Aitolian Leage and Rome against Macedonia.

  • 202 BCE

    Return of Hannibal to Africa

    He was sent to Zama to face the Roman general P. Scipio Africanus.
  • Period: 200 BCE to 197 BCE

    Second Macedonian War.

  • 197 BCE

    Organisation of Spain into 2 provinces

  • Period: 149 BCE to 146 BCE

    Third Punic War

    Between Rome and Carthage, resulting in a Roman victory and the destruction of Carthage.
  • 113 BCE

    Death of Attalos III of Pergamon, leaving his kingdom to Rome.

  • Period: 91 BCE to 88 BCE

    Social War

    Civil revolution of the Italian Allies.
  • Period: 88 BCE to 63 BCE

    Mithridatic Wars

    Conflict between the Kingdom of Pontus and the Roman Republic. Resulting in Roman victory.
  • 59 BCE

    Julius Caesar embarks on a expansionary campaign in Gaul.

  • Period: 29 BCE to 19 BCE

    Cantabrian Wars

    Conflicts between Hispania and The Roman Empire. Resulting in the victory of The Roman Empire.
  • Period: 27 BCE to 14

    Government of the first emperor Augustus Caesar

  • 6

    Inclusion of the kingdom of Judea as a Roman Provice

  • 44

    Inclusion of Mauretania as a Roman Province