490 BCE
Foundation of the Latin League
Treaty on equal terms between a major grouping of Latin cities -
Period: 341 BCE to 338 BCE
War between Rome and the cities of the Latin League
Due to the ambition of Rome, the cities of the Latin League, with some non-latin people, fought Rome. -
338 BCE
Creation of structures for latter roman expansion
328 BCE
Foundation of a colony in Fregellae
Period: 328 BCE to 304 BCE
War against the Samnites
This war started for the expansion of Rome with the foundation of Fregellae -
321 BCE
Defeat in the battle of the Caudine Forks
312 BCE
Construction of the Via Apia
307 BCE
Construction of the Via Valeria
Period: 306 BCE to 41 BCE
Weakening of the Ptolemaic kingdom
303 BCE
Foundation of Alba Fucens
299 BCE
Foundation of Narnia
295 BCE
Victory against the Samnites and the Gauls in Sentium
289 BCE
Foundation of Hadria
280 BCE
First defeat against Pyrrhos of Epiros
279 BCE
Second defeat against Pyrrhos of Epiros
275 BCE
Pyrrhos returned to Greece
Despite his victories, he could not defeat completely Rome and had to leave Italy -
273 BCE
First contact between and Hellenistic Kingdom and Rome
This event took place between Rome and Egypt -
272 BCE
Tarentum was captured by the romans
270 BCE
Treaty between Rome and Carthage against Pyrrhos
268 BCE
Foundation of Ariminum
264 BCE
Foundation of Firmum
264 BCE
Conquest of Messene by romans soldiers
241 BCE
Defeat of the Carthaginian in the First Punic War
With the victory in the naval battle of 241 in the Aegates Islands, the carthaginian sued for peace -
231 BCE
Roman embassy went to investigate Hamilcar's activities
230 BCE
Fight against local communities in Sardinia
Period: 229 BCE to 228 BCE
Figths in the Adriatic against the Illyrians
The war is considered as the first involvement between Rome and Greeks -
227 BCE
Organization of Sicily and Sardinia as a province
221 BCE
The son of the carthaginian general Hamilcar Barca, Hannibal took over the carthaginian forces
Carthage was also expanding its possesions in Spain -
220 BCE
Figths agains the Gauls of northern Italy
These victories were consolidated with the foundation of Cremona and Placentia and the building of the Via Flaminia -
219 BCE
Second Roman expedition to Illyria
218 BCE
Defeat against Hannibal in Trebia
217 BCE
Defeat against Hannibal in Trasimene
216 BCE
Defeat against Hannibal in Cannae
215 BCE
Alliance between Carthage and the macedonians
This alliance led to war against Rome -
211 BCE
Alliance between Rome and the Aitolian League
206 BCE
The Aitolians negotiated a separate peace with Philip
205 BCE
Peace between Rome and the macedonians
202 BCE
Hannibal had to leave Italy and Face Scipio Africanus in Zama
201 BCE
End of the Second Punic War
200 BCE
Second war against Macedon
197 BCE
Organization of Spain as two provinces
197 BCE
Victory in Thessaly at Kynoskephalai
196 BCE
The Aitolians questioned Romans intentions in the Isthmian Games
This led to a proclamation by the romans that they were going to leave all greek cities with a self governance -
195 BCE
Establishment of a cult of the goddess Roma in Smyrna's
191 BCE
War between Rome and Antiochos
168 BCE
Third Macedonian War
After the victory in the third macedonian war, macedon became a four separate, tribute-paying republics -
146 BCE
Destruction of Carthage and Corinth
140 BCE
A pretender in Macedon led an uprising against Rome
Andriskos, the pretende inflicted a shocking defeat against Rome -
140 BCE
Revolts of Viriathus in Lusitania
Period: 140 BCE to 130 BCE
Construction of roads in Macedon and the northern shore of the Aegean
133 BCE
The kingdom of Pergam was inherited by Rome
The last king, Attalos III, left his kingdom to Rome when he died. -
133 BCE
Siege of Numantia
Period: 130 BCE to 120 BCE
Construction of road-building in Asia Minor
91 BCE
Social War
89 BCE
Uprising of greeks, with the King Mithridates VI of Pontos
75 BCE
Creation of new province in Cyrene
66 BCE
Creation of new province in Crete
Period: 64 BCE to 62 BCE
Creation of new province in Syria, Bithynia and Pontus
59 BCE
Iulius Caesar Consul
53 BCE
Defeat against the parthians with M.Licinius Crassus at Carrhae
44 BCE
Adquisition of Mauretania
Period: 40 BCE to 30 BCE
Civil Wars
Period: 26 BCE to 19 BCE
Cantabrians war
Adquisition of Judae
Foundation of Brindisi