Roman Imperialism

By vilthy1
  • 490 BCE

    Foundation of the Latin League

    Treaty on equal terms between a major grouping of Latin cities
  • Period: 341 BCE to 338 BCE

    War between Rome and the cities of the Latin League

    Due to the ambition of Rome, the cities of the Latin League, with some non-latin people, fought Rome.
  • 338 BCE

    Creation of structures for latter roman expansion

  • 328 BCE

    Foundation of a colony in Fregellae

  • Period: 328 BCE to 304 BCE

    War against the Samnites

    This war started for the expansion of Rome with the foundation of Fregellae
  • 321 BCE

    Defeat in the battle of the Caudine Forks

  • 312 BCE

    Construction of the Via Apia

  • 307 BCE

    Construction of the Via Valeria

  • Period: 306 BCE to 41 BCE

    Weakening of the Ptolemaic kingdom

  • 303 BCE

    Foundation of Alba Fucens

  • 299 BCE

    Foundation of Narnia

  • 295 BCE

    Victory against the Samnites and the Gauls in Sentium

  • 289 BCE

    Foundation of Hadria

  • 280 BCE

    First defeat against Pyrrhos of Epiros

  • 279 BCE

    Second defeat against Pyrrhos of Epiros

  • 275 BCE

    Pyrrhos returned to Greece

    Despite his victories, he could not defeat completely Rome and had to leave Italy
  • 273 BCE

    First contact between and Hellenistic Kingdom and Rome

    This event took place between Rome and Egypt
  • 272 BCE

    Tarentum was captured by the romans

  • 270 BCE

    Treaty between Rome and Carthage against Pyrrhos

  • 268 BCE

    Foundation of Ariminum

  • 264 BCE

    Foundation of Firmum

  • 264 BCE

    Conquest of Messene by romans soldiers

  • 241 BCE

    Defeat of the Carthaginian in the First Punic War

    With the victory in the naval battle of 241 in the Aegates Islands, the carthaginian sued for peace
  • 231 BCE

    Roman embassy went to investigate Hamilcar's activities

  • 230 BCE

    Fight against local communities in Sardinia

  • Period: 229 BCE to 228 BCE

    Figths in the Adriatic against the Illyrians

    The war is considered as the first involvement between Rome and Greeks
  • 227 BCE

    Organization of Sicily and Sardinia as a province

  • 221 BCE

    The son of the carthaginian general Hamilcar Barca, Hannibal took over the carthaginian forces

    Carthage was also expanding its possesions in Spain
  • 220 BCE

    Figths agains the Gauls of northern Italy

    These victories were consolidated with the foundation of Cremona and Placentia and the building of the Via Flaminia
  • 219 BCE

    Second Roman expedition to Illyria

  • 218 BCE

    Defeat against Hannibal in Trebia

  • 217 BCE

    Defeat against Hannibal in Trasimene

  • 216 BCE

    Defeat against Hannibal in Cannae

  • 215 BCE

    Alliance between Carthage and the macedonians

    This alliance led to war against Rome
  • 211 BCE

    Alliance between Rome and the Aitolian League

  • 206 BCE

    The Aitolians negotiated a separate peace with Philip

  • 205 BCE

    Peace between Rome and the macedonians

  • 202 BCE

    Hannibal had to leave Italy and Face Scipio Africanus in Zama

  • 201 BCE

    End of the Second Punic War

  • 200 BCE

    Second war against Macedon

  • 197 BCE

    Organization of Spain as two provinces

  • 197 BCE

    Victory in Thessaly at Kynoskephalai

  • 196 BCE

    The Aitolians questioned Romans intentions in the Isthmian Games

    This led to a proclamation by the romans that they were going to leave all greek cities with a self governance
  • 195 BCE

    Establishment of a cult of the goddess Roma in Smyrna's

  • 191 BCE

    War between Rome and Antiochos

  • 168 BCE

    Third Macedonian War

    After the victory in the third macedonian war, macedon became a four separate, tribute-paying republics
  • 146 BCE

    Destruction of Carthage and Corinth

  • 140 BCE

    A pretender in Macedon led an uprising against Rome

    Andriskos, the pretende inflicted a shocking defeat against Rome
  • 140 BCE

    Revolts of Viriathus in Lusitania

  • Period: 140 BCE to 130 BCE

    Construction of roads in Macedon and the northern shore of the Aegean

  • 133 BCE

    The kingdom of Pergam was inherited by Rome

    The last king, Attalos III, left his kingdom to Rome when he died.
  • 133 BCE

    Siege of Numantia

  • Period: 130 BCE to 120 BCE

    Construction of road-building in Asia Minor

  • 91 BCE

    Social War

  • 89 BCE

    Uprising of greeks, with the King Mithridates VI of Pontos

  • 75 BCE

    Creation of new province in Cyrene

  • 66 BCE

    Creation of new province in Crete

  • Period: 64 BCE to 62 BCE

    Creation of new province in Syria, Bithynia and Pontus

  • 59 BCE

    Iulius Caesar Consul

  • 53 BCE

    Defeat against the parthians with M.Licinius Crassus at Carrhae

  • 44 BCE

    Adquisition of Mauretania

  • Period: 40 BCE to 30 BCE

    Civil Wars

  • Period: 26 BCE to 19 BCE

    Cantabrians war

  • 6

    Adquisition of Judae

  • 244

    Foundation of Brindisi