1453 BCE
Constantinople conquered by Ottoman Muslims
1200 BCE
Etruscans reached northern Italy
800 BCE
Greeks established colonies throughout southern Italy
got through it -
753 BCE
Village of Rome founded
In the year 753 BCE, one of the greatest civilizations in the world began. -
616 BCE
The Curiate Assembly elected Lucius Tarquinius Priscus King of Rome.
600 BCE
Rome was a province of Etruria
535 BCE
Servius Tullius was murdered by his daughter Tullia Minor and her husband Lucius Tarquinius Superbus, who declared himself King of Rome on the steps of the Curia Hostilia.
509 BCE
Romans revolted against the Etruscan kings and created the system of government by the Senate and the Assembly
In 509 BCE,the kings created a system -
509 BCE
The patrician Lucretia was raped by Lucius Tarquinius Superbus's son Sextus Tarquinius.
500 BCE
n the face of a potential Sabine invasion, the Senate passed a senatus consultum authorizing the consuls to appoint a dictator, a magistrate who held absolute power during a national emergency.
494 BCE
first disputes between patricians (wealthy landowners who controlled the Senate) and plebeians (ordinary citizens)
wealthy landowners controlled the senate -
450 BCE
"Law of the 12 Tables" provides written Roman law
the law was written -
265 BCE
Rome completed the occupation of the Italian peninsula
264 BCE
First war with Carthage
first punic war -
91 BCE
The "Social War"
revolt by Roman allies in Italy -
45 BCE
Julius Caesar defeated Pompey and became the first dictator of Rome
44 BCE
The Second Triumvirate of Marc Antony, Lepidus, and Octavian (later known as Caesar Augustus) ruled Rome. Note that Octavian was the nephew of Julius Caesar, and brother-in-law of Marc Antony
31 BCE
Caesar Octavian defeated the combined forces of Cleopatra and Marc Antony in the naval battle of Actium (near Greece
combined forces together -
31 BCE
Crucifixion of Jesus; origin of Christianity
Battle of the Allia: The Senones routed a Roman force at the confluence of the rivers Allia and Tiber.
Oct 26, 1331
Byzantine–Ottoman Wars: The Ottoman Empire captured Nicaea.