Roman History

  • 510 BCE

    Roman Republic Established

    Roman Republic Established
    Ancient Roman historians have gone in deep disscusion over the precise date of Rome's foundation. By the end of the republic, however, it was generally accepted that Rome had been founded in 753 BCE and that it begun in 509 BCE.
  • 117 BCE

    Roman Empire Reaches its Greatest Size

    Roman Empire Reaches its Greatest Size
    The emperor during this times was Emperor Trajan. It was so large the empire spanned to Northern Africa, over to Syria, up to Edinburgh and back to the beginning.
  • 45 BCE

    End of the Republic

    End of the Republic
    Julius Caesar became the first dictator of Rome. Julius Caesar was in the 1st triumvirate which ended in him killing the other two rulers. The other two rulers that he killed were Marcus Licinius Crassus, and Gnaeus Pompey. In a triumvirate usually there is an agreement between the 3 rulers, and they each get a country that they can rule, but Caesar did not want this and killed the other rulers instead.
  • 27 BCE

    Augustus becomes 1st emperor

    Augustus becomes 1st emperor
    Augustus was born on September 23, 63 BCE. He was adopted by his great-uncle Julius Caesar in 44 BCE. He later took the name Gaius Julius Caesar. He was a ruler from 27 BC to 14 AD. When he started to become a man, he got into politics. In 27 BC the Senate gave him the title of Augustus and he would be known by this name for the rest of his life. He became the ruler and emperor of Rome. The government like the Senate was still operable but he had the most power.
  • 4 BCE

    Birth of Jesus

    Birth of Jesus
    He was born in Jerusalem and raised by Mary and his stepfather Joseph. He spoke with authority on spiritual matters, often leaving his critics tongue-tied and looking foolish. He spoke of loving God above all other things, caring about all other people as much as we care about ourselves, the coming kingdom of God and eternal life.
  • 284

    Diocletian becomes emperor

    Diocletian becomes emperor
    When Diocletian becomes the emperor, he accomplished many things. Diocletian doubled the number of provinces and organized those into twelve diocese. He organized military and made them into mobile field forces (comitatenses) and frontier units (limitanei). He also made the Tetrarchy and established it in 293. It was a 4 part division of the empire.
  • 313

    Constantine becomes emperor

    Constantine  becomes emperor
    Constantine the Great was a Roman Emperor and started ruling in 313. He helped with the change to Christianity but still allowed both religions. He also moved the capital to Constantinople.
  • 330

    Constantine Moves Capital

    Constantine Moves Capital
    Some other names for Constantine are Constantinople,Istanbul, Byzantine.Moving the capital messes up all of the balance of power not only in Constantine but it also messes up all of the other places that it moves around.
  • 478

    Fall of the Western Roman Empire

    Fall of the Western Roman Empire
    The empire fell because of some different issues. Some of the issues were invasions, political, military, economic troubles, and the rise of the eastern empire.
  • 486

    Clovis becomes leader of the Franks

    Clovis I became king at 15 years old. He is considered the founding father of the Merovingian dynasty. He conquered Gaul and established a family dynasty that would lasted for over 2 centuries. He also adopted Christianity and spread it by demanding his subjects to convert to Christianity.
  • 527

    Justinian I becomes Byzantine emperor

    Justinian I becomes Byzantine emperor
    Once he became emperor, he had many accomplishments and they were expansion, code and Hagia Sophia. Justinian l pushed to reclaim land in the west. He made gains to the west. It reached the boundary of modern day Macedonia in Europe and halfway through modern Libya in Northern Africa. He also codified Roman Law. He unified law in order to organize the empire. Justinian also made the Hagia Sophia which was a huge new church dedicated to Christianity.
  • Jul 18, 1054

    Schism in the Christian Church

    Schism in the Christian Church
    The two churches were the Roman Catholic and the Eastern Orthodox churches. The founder of the Roman Catholic church was Apostle Peter, and the founder of the Eastern Orthodox was Paul the Apostle. Charlemagne's crowning made the Byzantine Emperor upset which made relations between the East and the West be torn down until a formal split occurred in 1054.