Period: 100 to
Period: 100 to Dec 31, 753
Punic War 3
Rome turned Africa into another province and they destrpyed the City of Carthage. -
Macedonia war 3
Rome won the the war on Pidna mountain. 150,000 slves were taken from Macedonia -
Macedonia War 2
Rome declared war and split Macedonia into 4 republics. -
Macedonia War 1
Rome officially freed Greece from Macedonia. -
Punic war 2
Became in control of Mediterranean and much of Spain. -
Punic War 1
Roman became in control of Siciliy and Corsica. -
Law of 12 tables
These were written by 10 commisioners. These were basically their laws. -
Jan 1, 753
Roman Found
Found by Romulus and Remus. They were twins raised by a she-wolf -
Oct 1, 753
Fall of Roman Empire
There were multiple reasons it collapsed. One of the reasons was because it was too big to govern. -
Roman Empire Begin
Rome takes over everything and becomes the ruler of Britain to Germany and then from North Africa to and Persian Gulf -
Augustus Controls Rome
This was an accident. He was one of the greatest Rulers of Rome. -
Caesar Controls Rome
Caesar was part of the Roman Empire's war and slowly but surely became the ruler -
Roman Republic
Romans established a government in which citizens elect representatives to rule on their behalf.