Temple was destroyed by romans
Palistien was divided into three regions
Oct 8, 636
The Palestinians move to Israel
Oct 10, 1095
The Crusades Began
Oct 10, 1263
A Rabbi schollar named Ramban
Oct 10, 1291
The Crusades ended
Oct 10, 1518
Turkish Ottoman Empire takes over (begining)
Ba'al shem tov makes first hassidic community
Judah Leob Pinskner
Mark Twain came to Israel and wrote about it
about 40,000 jews in Israel
First jewish imagration to Israel
Bilu was created in Russia
Jews had 28 new settlements in israel
World War 1
Turkish Ottoman Empire Ends
Fights over The Wailing Wall began
Jews escape the holocost
Bethlaham and Jeruselum became international Zones
Arab-Israeli War
Palestinian National Authority
Baron Edmond de Rothschild
The Jews Left Israel because of the Romans
The jews left israel because the Romans didn't want them there -
Muslims conquered Byzantine Empire