the Romans built an important gateway temple to Janus in 260BC
Rome conquers Central and Southern Italy in 304BC
Rome would become a Christian empire in 306AD
The Hernici revolt against Rome in 306BC
The Visigoths sack Rome in 410AD
Tribal Assembly created in 447BC
The end of the Western Roman Empire in 476AD
Consul Publius Valerius Publicola grants due process rights to all Roman citizens in 504BC
Jan 1, 753
Rome founded in 753BC
Oct 6, 1453
The Byzantine Empire comes to an end in 1453AD
The Roman Empire begins as Caesar Augustus becomes the first Roman Emperor in 27BC
Julius Caesar is assassinated in 44BC
Julius Caesar becomes the first dictator in 45BC
Much of Rome burns in 64AD
Slaves lead in uprising in 73BC
The Colosseum is built in 80AD
Rome becomes republic in 509BC
Rome splits into two empires in 395AD
Rome defeats the Etruscan-led Latin League in 496BC
Roman soldiers earn their first salary in 396BC