753 BCE
Founding of Rome
Rome was founded by the first king of Rome, Romulus. It was originally called Roma. -
509 BCE
Rome Becomes a Republic
The last king is expelled and Rome is now run by senators. -
218 BCE
Hannibal Invades Italy
Hannibal leads the Carthage army into Italy. This becomes part of the Second Punic War. -
45 BCE
Julius Caesar Becomes the First Dictator of Rome
Julius beats Pompey in a civil war and ends the Roman Republic. This results in the creation of the 12 month calendar. -
44 BCE
Julius Caesar is Assassinated
Julius is betrayed by his followers and his close friend Marcus Brutus( this lead to the famous phrase "Et tu, Brute?) on the Isle of March. They intended to bring the republic but started civil war instead. -
27 BCE
Roman Empire Begins
Octavius appoints himself "Augustus", which means the first emperor. -
A Large Part of Rome Burns
Neno sets fire to Rome and blames it on the Christians. -
Colossem is Completed
The largest amphitheatre at the time is completed. It fights to the death are held between animals, gladiators and peasants. -
Theodosius I proclaims Christianity as the sole religion of Rome. -
The Fall of Rome
German Goth Odoacer defeats Romulus Augustus in battle which leads to the fall of the Roman Empire. This is the beginning of the dark ages in Europe.