
Roman Empire

By DT6091
  • Period: to

    Roman Empire

  • Julius Caesar's Assassination

    Julius Caesar's Assassination
    In March 44 B.C Julius Caesar was assassinated by his own best friend own his way yo a senate's meeting at the bottom of the statue of Pompey.
  • The Murder of Cicero

    The Murder of Cicero
    Cicero died because it was said that he wans't going to extend support in dealing with Julius Caesar's death.
  • Claudius Rule

    Claudius Rule
    The start of the Claudian Emperors.This is when Claudius became emperor and made Britain a Roman province.
  • The ruling of Nero

    The ruling of Nero
    This is when Nero began to rule from 54-68 B.C
  • Galba (68-69 A.D.)

    Galba (68-69 A.D.)
    This is the start of Galba's rule. He played roles in Rome's civil and military positions. He became emperor after Nero committed suicide,
  • Otho

    Otho became emperor of Rome from mid-January to mid-March in A.D. 69. He took his own life shortly after he became emperor because of his military defeat to Vitellius.
  • Flavian Emperors

    This is the start of the Flavian Emperors from 69-96 A.D, the first of them being Vespasian. He was well known for his military career.
  • Emperor Vespasian

    Vespasian ruled from A.D. 69-79. He was the first emperor chosen in the Flavian dynasty.
  • Domitian

    Domitian was the last of the emperors of the Flavian emperors. He ruled from October 14, 81- September 8, 96 A.D
  • Emperor Titus

    This is the beginning of the reign of Emperor Titus. He ruled from Dec. 30 to Sept 31 A.D after Vespasian's reign.